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 You tried to remain calm as you sat across Director Fury in the conference room. His gaze was intense, even with one eye covered by an eye patch. He was clearly studying you, reading you like an easy book. You nervously moved in your seat, trying to remain as calm as possible, though your heart was beating out of your chest.

"So, Miss L/N," Fury finally broke the silence, "how did you get these abilities?"

You swallowed nervously as you silently wished Tony was allowed to be here with you. You tried your best to remain calm as you explained how you believed you received your powers and answered any other questions he threw at you.

"Now, I would like to talk to you about the Avengers," he told you.

"Let me stop you there, sir," you interrupted. "I'm sorry, but I am not interested in being an official member of the Avengers."

"Oh," he leaned back, folding his arms over his chest, "and why is that?"

"I am not equipped for missions. I am better suited for the lab."

"That's what Banner believed of himself."

"I wonder if he still believes that, though he's been pressured to be out in the field."

This got Fury thinking for a silent moment. "If you won't join the Avengers, there are rules for using your powers." You nodded in understanding. "Without the backing of the Avengers or government permission, you are not to use your powers outside of Avengers Initiative buildings. That means no more rendezvous with Stark."

That hurt you more than you wanted it to. Your outings with Tony were your favorite. And what would Tony have to say about you being stuck to using your abilities on Avengers property only?

"Do you understand?" Fury questioned.

"I understand," you responded.

"No more rendezvous."

You nodded, thinking about what you were really agreeing to. "No more rendezvous."

"The offer is always open to being a part of the Team, Miss L/N."

"Thank you, Director, but that's not who I am."


You were unable to find Tony after your meeting with Fury, so you found yourself working with Bruce in his lab. Bruce didn't bother asking you about how your questioning went as he could tell by how your shoulders were slumped a little more than usual. He needed help with a project anyway and gladly distracted you with it.

"When those results come through, send them over to my screen," Bruce told you.

"Okay," you replied as you measured some liquid in a glass.

You were so focused on the task at hand, that it took you longer than it should have for you to sense Tony. You jumped slightly when his hand found a place on the small of your back.

"Sorry," Tony apologized. "I came by to say hello. I also wanted to hear how your conversation with Fury went."

"It went fine," you responded, focusing on what you were doing.

Tony glanced at Bruce, sensing that something was off. Bruce simply shrugged before going back to working on his project. Tony's hand rubbed your back.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" He asked softly.

You sighed. "It went fine," you said. "Fury offered me a position on the Avengers."


Tony had mixed feelings about that. Yes, he would love to spend more time with you and you being an official Team member would allow that. But then there was the issue of you being put in constant danger. Tony would be extremely worried for your safety at all times.

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