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 "Y/N." Sam's tone had your heart dropping into your stomach. "Something happened."

You shook your head and rushed into the quinjet. "Tony? Tony?"

Everyone watched with sympathetic eyes as you searched for him.

"Tony. Tony!"

"Y/N—" Natasha tried.

You pulled away from her. "You promised... You promised! You're a liar!"

"Y/N," Bucky came up and gently took your wrist with his metal hand. "Let us explain."

"No!" You failed to get out of Bucky's grip. "Let me go! Tony! Tony!" Bucky tried to further restrain you, grabbing your other wrist and pulling you to his chest. You kept fighting. "Let me go!" You glared at Natasha, who tried not to cower away from your hatred. "You lied! You're a liar! You promised!"

"Wanda," Steve called. Wanda looked at him as he gave a nod of approval.

Wanda sighed as stepped up to be in front of you. "I'm sorry, Y/N," she said as red began emitting from her finger tips. "I really am."

"No! Stop!" You wiggled in Bucky's grip as you tried to get away from the red tendrils floating toward you. "You lied! He lied! He... lied..."

The tendrils touched your head and you quickly passed out. Bucky got you situated in his arms and headed out of the quinjet. Everyone else stayed put. At a loss of what to do.

"Cap," Sam called. "You're in charge here."

"Yeah," Steve scoffed. "Look where that got us. Tony's missing and Y/N's in hysterics."

"Fury rushed this mission. Tony's disappearance was not your fault. He was doing what he was tasked to do."

"We shouldn't have come back without him."

"We needed to rest and come up with a plan," Clint said. "None of us are useful tired."

"Y/N shouldn't be left alone," Wanda added. "I'll switch out Bucky and create a rotation. She clearly hasn't gotten a lot of rest, so sleep will help before we tell her what happened."

"Everyone get rest," Sam ordered. "We'll meet in the conference room in the morning to start coming up with a plan to rescue Tony."

Steve walked out of the quinjet, everyone watching.

"He's not going to rest," Natasha sighed.

"I'll be on Steve duty first," said Sam. "Everyone get rest and FRIDAY will wake you up when needed."


The bed you were in didn't feel familiar as you began to come too. It was firmer and smaller. Slowly, your eyes blinked open, adjusting to the lamp light from beside you. Looking around, you noted that you were in one of the med-bay rooms. There was an IV inserted into your arm and a machine attached to you. On the other side, Bucky sat in a chair, reading a book.

"Bucky?" You breathed out.

His head lifted from his book. When he met your eyes, he gave you a light smile. "Hey, kid," he replied. He set his book on the bedside table and moved his chair closer. "The doctor said that you haven't been taking care of yourself."

"I was too worried."

Bucky nodded. "I know."

"What happened, Bucky?" Tears overwhelmed your eyes. "Where's Tony?"

Bucky sighed, taking your hand into his metal one. "Fury's plan was that Tony take a suit and go down there. It was a trap though. They were expecting us and we weren't prepared for an attack like that. His comms disconnected. We fought until the HYDRA agents disappeared back into the base. We searched for Stark and tried to get into the base, but we couldn't... I'm sorry, Y/N. We aren't going to give up though. We came back to gather ourselves and go back prepared. We're calling everyone in. We will get Tony back."

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