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You were still in the lab when Tony arrived back. He came storming in, slamming the door open, causing you and Bruce to both jump.

"You're back?" You questioned as Tony headed for you. "How did—"

You were cut off by Tony's lips pressing against yours. His hands grabbed you and pulled you into him. You sunk into the kiss, allowing him to press your body against his and allow his tongue to dominate your mouth.

Bruce cleared his throat, hoping that you and Tony would separate. Both of you ignored him. "Uh, I'm just going to go," he muttered and slipped out of the lab.

Eventually, Tony broke the kiss and rested your foreheads against each other.

"What was that for?" You breathed out with a small smile, still trying to catch your breath.

"I shouldn't have gone," he admitted quietly.

"What happened?"

"She..." He sighed, almost like he was blaming himself for something. "She wanted to get back together." You felt like you couldn't breathe. "And she... she kissed me."

"Oh..." You felt like you were going to puke. You took a step back, trying to pretend that Tony didn't look hurt by that. "Did... Did you—"

"I stopped it, immediately. It wasn't what I wanted at all." You kept silent. "Y/N... please," Tony timidly reached out for your hands. You didn't fight him as he took them in his own. "Say something."

"You... you stopped it?"

"Yes, as soon as it happened."

"And did you... did you tell her about us? About... me?"

"I told her that I'm seeing someone. That it's private and we're taking it slow."

You nodded. You understood that Tony wasn't at fault here, but it was still hard to take for you. Pepper was more his 'age-range' and what you presumed to be his 'type'. You were in your mid-twenties and Tony was in his early-forties. You weren't the most attractive in compared to others you have seen with Tony. You honestly wondered why he wanted to be with you.

Tony could tell that you were retreating into your mind. He wished that he knew your innermost thoughts so that he could help you.

"Sweetheart?" He slowly rubbed circles on the back of your hands, trying to get you to come back to him. "Talk to me... please." He waited a moment, only for you to stay silent. "I am so sorry for what happened."

"I know," you whispered. "And I don't blame you."

"Then what's going on?"

"I just... Pepper is..." You looked away, hating to get too emotional right now. "Never mind." You pulled away and turned toward your project.

"Y/N—" Tony went to touch you but you moved away.

You tried not to flinch at the hurt look Tony gave you. "I'm sorry, Tony. This... this has more to do with me than it is you. Or even the Pepper thing. I promise, let me have a moment to myself and I'll be fine."

Tony didn't quite believe you, but he was going to respect the space you were asking for. "Okay. I'll... I'll be in my own lab when you're ready."

You nodded, unable to look at him as he walked out of the room. As soon as he was gone, tears began trailing down your checks. You knew that this wasn't actually about Tony. This was just you and your own insecurities. Between the tears and the growing shakiness, you ended up tossing what you were working on across the room. It went flying, slamming into one of Bruce's screens, shattering it.

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