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 Knowing that you couldn't keep your secret any longer from the super-assassin and the mind-reader, you all sat down and explained how you got powers and who you were. You also explained what was happening between you and Tony.

"That does explain why Tony's been acting less moody and depressed," Wanda said.

Natasha was still quiet, her piercing eyes studying you. "You're in love with him," she stated.

"What?" You questioned. "No! No way. I—"

"Don't deny it, Y/N," Wanda smiled, "you can't hide anything from us. It's okay. You two would be really cute together."

You shook your head. "It won't happen ever. Once he finds out who I really am and how old I am, he won't go for me."

"Age has never been an issue with Tony," Natasha said. "And you clearly don't see the way he looks at you when you're around. He either is into you or onto you."

"Or both," Wanda added.

You sighed. "I just don't want to ruin what we have. It's really good right now."

"It could still be good. Better, even."

"Y/N," Natasha leaned forward for you to better see the seriousness of her gaze, "Tony doesn't love just to love. Yes, he's done his fair share of sleeping around but it was never love. His love is so deep and he might show it strangely sometimes, but you know it's there and you know that you are lucky to be a recipient of it."

"It's true," Wanda nodded. "We feel Tony's love through the tech he builds for us. It's strange, but we know he cares. He wants us safe. He may not know the real you or the whole you, but I can tell that he is starting to love you."

"But he can't love you fully and deeply like you deserve and you can't experience loving him either without Tony knowing the truth."

You sat there, thinking it over. Perhaps it was becoming time for you to reveal yourself to Tony. To take that chance, that leap of faith.


"Are we any closer to finding that Spider Woman?" Fury asked, standing at the end of the conference table.

"Unfortunately, Director, we've had a few bigger issues to handle," Steve replied.

"Oh, really?" Fury pressed a button on the table causing pictures and video footage of Iron Man and Spider-Woman to appear as holograms over the table. Everyone looked over to Tony who had a blank expression. "Care to explain, Stark?"

This wasn't Tony's first rodeo, so it didn't take much for him to come up with a lie. "I've been trying to gain her trust," he said. Fury rose an eyebrow in question. "She doesn't trust what we will do to her if she comes to the Tower. I've been meeting up with her to try and gain her trust enough for her to come in."

"It's a smart idea," Natasha quickly said. "If she doesn't trust us, then getting her on our side is pointless."

Tony turned to face Natasha. "Did you just agree with my plan?"

"I can take it back."

"No! You said it! You can't—"

"Despite Stark's plan, we are running out of time. The government is recommending that we take her in before they do."

"Is that a threat?" Bucky questioned.

"It's not an invitation. We need to bring her in before the government goes after her and something worse happens."

"I don't understand what the big deal is," Clint said. "She's not doing any harm and Stark clearly is working on her."

"The government feels that her superpowers are too dangerous for her to be left unsupervised."

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