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 "I don't know how comfortable I am with this."

"This is necessary, Y/N," Natasha told you as she set up the training mats. "You're dating an Avenger. It may not be out to the world but our enemies have a way of finding things out."

"We're just trying to make you as safe as possible," Wanda added.

"I get that... It's just..." Y/N sighed. "I just don't feel comfortable with it. It's the reason why I turned down an official spot on the Team."

"We won't go as crazy as we do for Team training," Natasha said. "Trust me, Wanda and I are in charge of your training routine, not Steve. This will just be a step above normal self-defense training."

"It's self-defense training Avengers style!" Wanda said excitedly.

"Besides, do you know much about your powers?"

You shrugged. "I guess not."

"This will help you see exactly what you can do."

"I was scared my first times too," Wanda told you. "Having powers can be scary and you can be constantly be afraid of hurting someone, but the reward of mastering them and feeling confident definitely out ways the negative feelings. I promise you, it will be all worth it."

"Okay," you breathed out with a nod. "Let's do this."


The three of you were still in the training room four hours later. You were doing much better than Natasha and Wanda believed that you'd do. Your powers were allowing you to match the stamina of the other two women and learn quickly. It impressed red heads how much your powers heightened your senses, allowing you to defend yourself. You were using your webs and your ability to stick to things off and on. You were even begin to be able to control your stickiness.

Other Team members had slowly began to gather at the observation windows above, including Tony. Tony didn't know what to make of this all. You had been so adamant about not being an Avenger, yet here you were passing all of the tests that Wanda and Natasha were throwing at you. He was so proud but terrified at the same time. Imagining you out there, sacrificing your life, made his heart want to beat out of his chest.

"Y/N's impressive," Steve said, studying your every move as he stood next to Tony. "She would be a great asset."

"She already told Fury no," Tony responded.

"She can still change her mind." Steve and Tony watched as you using your webs to swing around Wanda and tie her up quickly. Wanda broke use with her powers as Natasha called training done for the day. Steve looked over at the live vitals board, looking for yours. "Her vitals are calmer than Natasha's."

"I'm sure Fury is loving that."

"You're right, Stark," Fury said, making his presence known from behind them. "I am loving it. Miss L/N is proving that she could be a vital asset to the Team. I have a feeling that it's only a matter of time before we see her suited up with the rest of you."

Clenching his jaw, Tony turned around and exited the observation deck. He headed down the stairs, pausing at the doors that would lead him in to the training room. Taking a deep breath, Tony tried to reign in his varying emotions before entering the room with a false smirk on his face. The facade turned real when you noticed him and you smiled. Your eyes lit up in the way they only did for him as you took the needed steps to meet him half way.

"Did you see me?" You excitedly asked. "I tied Wanda up! Me! I did that!"

"I did," he responded. "And I'm proud." He kissed the top of your head as he took you in his arms. He looked over at Natasha and Wanda. "Thank you Red and Little Red for the lesson, but I think I'm going to be taking Y/N back to the lab."

Natasha's brow quirked up at the tone Tony was carrying.

"Why the rush, Tin Man?" That confidence that you had underneath the suit slipped out. It had been too long since that side of you had appeared. "Don't want to see what I can do to you?"

Now that caught Tony's attention. "I don't think that's a game you want to play, spidey-girl."

"Why?" You leaned in so that your lips were brushing against his ear. "Afraid you'd lose?" Tony's breath caught in his throat at your teasing. You smirked as you heard the catch of his breath. "Got ya, Tin Man." You pressed a kiss to the side of his face before pulling away. You winked as you stepped around him and walked out of the room.

Natasha whistled jokingly, pulling Tony's attention to her. "Didn't think that Y/N was able to get that way," she jested.

"She saves it for me," Tony responded before rushing after you.


You reached your floor happily, having truly enjoyed your time training. Heading for your room to shower, you stopped when you sensed someone. You spun around, throwing one of your arms out and flinging a web.

"Director Fury!" You exclaimed when you noticed him. He stepped to the side, dodging your web. "What— What are you doing here?"

"I watched your training," he stated. "I'm here to see if you'll reconsider joining the Team."

"Director, I—"

"I have never seen someone take down Maximoff the way you did. It was impressive. The Team could use you out on missions."


"I know what you told me. Let me know if that's changed." Fury walked passed you and toward the elevator, which opened to reveal Tony.

"Fury? What the hell?" Tony exclaimed as he stepped out of the elevator.

"Stark," Fury greeted. He got into the elevator and the doors shut before he responded to Tony.

"What was he doing here?" Tony rushed over to you.

"He wants me to rethink my response to joining the Team," you responded.

"Are you?"

"I... I don't know... I enjoyed today, but it was meant to be a training and to see what I could do. I realized that I can do a lot and being on the Team would give me a chance to use my powers for good. It's just..."

"It's just what, honey?" Tony's heart was pounding. It was clear to him now that he didn't want you out there on missions. The chance that you could die out there, that he couldn't protect you— Tony couldn't take that chance with you.

"It's just that I don't know if I'm made for sacrificing my life like that." Tony felt like he could breathe again, only slightly. "I'm more of use to everyone in the lab."

"It's whatever you want. I'll respect your choice."

"I think I'm good with sticking to the lab. Though, if you're okay with it, I think I'm going to have Wanda and Natasha train me some more. Today is the first day I've actually felt like I can control all of my powers. I would like to continue to feel that way."

"You don't need my permission to do anything, sweetheart."

"Yes, I know. But I would like it."

Tony pressed out a smile. "You can train as much as you want."

You smiled, beaming at him. "Thank you, Tony." You leaned to kiss him briefly before sighing and leaning your head against him. "Do you know what today made me miss?"

Tony wrapped his arms around you. "No."

"Our first dates. Where I had the confidence to banter and we would fly around the city."

"I miss those dates too. You bantering though, I think that will come out more as our relationship continues."

"Hmm," you hummed. "Tin Man."

"Spidey-girl." He kissed your head. "Go shower and we'll go get something to eat."

You nodded, pulling away and heading to your bedroom. Tony stood there, coming to the realization that the more you trained, the more likely you were to join the Team, just so that you could be free to use your powers. He needed to come to terms with that possibility or do something to stop it from happening.

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