011; there's a zombie outbreak

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just friends
just friends
just friends

"WHY ARE YOU HERE?" matt questioned as he walked up to the car parked in front of his building. cameron jumped slightly, the boy scaring her because she was just looking down at her phone while she waited for him to come outside.

"why are you ignoring me?" she shot back, raising her eyebrow slightly when she met his eyes. her window had already been down and one of nessa's songs were playing in the background. matt just rolled his eyes before swinging his keys in his hand.

"i'm not ignoring you, i just need a day. obviously that's not an option with you."

"hey man no one forced you to come outside."

"you didn't really give me a choice." matt then shot back and she just turned back to face the front of the car.

"i'm going to chick fil a, you wanna come?" she asked nicely this time and less demanding.
matt just sighed, knowing that he wanted to
go but hating how bad he wanted to.

"yeah. can i drive?"


"okay good bc i didn't want to." he said, taking the hood of his hoodie off his head and getting into the passengers seat.

"so then why did you ask?" cameron furrowed her eyebrows as she started the car. matt shrugged in response, grabbing her phone and scrolling through her playlist.

cameron let a silence fall between them because she noticed how tense matt was. something was obviously wrong, but she knew that if matt wanted to open up, he would do it on his own time and on his own free will.

once settling on a song, the boy was just messing with the phone case and looking out the window as she drove. cameron saw how he was slowly relaxing, which caused her to choose the chick fil a farthest from both their houses in hopes to extend that time for as long as she could.

"i like this song." matt spoke finally when a random songs from taylor swift's reputation album popped up and started playing.

"end game? because same."

the silence fell over them once again, her eyes on the road and his just watching as the slowly started to set. cam noticed how he was fidgeting and how he started to get nervous as they drew closer to the chick fil a. she also knew that he hated drive throughs, which is what he figured they were going to.

when the girl parked the car matt seemed confused. cameron didn't like having to get down when she could just drive, get here she was opening the door and waiting for him to get out.

"do you think we'd make a cute couple?" cameron asked innocently when she locked the doors to her car and they made their way towards the fast food joint.

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now