034; kissed the camera

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just friends
just friends
just friends

"IN FIVE FOUR THREE TWO—" nick started the 'icarly' countdown to pretend he wasn't filming her but he had the camera rolling already. they were in the airport, waiting to be boarded onto their plane thst was bound to new jersey.

where cam, tilly, and nessa were.

chris started singing the theme song obnoxiously loud, which caused matt to glare at him. people were staring and chris was being way too loud for 2 o clock in the morning.

"chris shut the fuck up, it is way too early for this." he told him and chris just flipped him off before pulling out his phone.

"how are you this energetic in the morning?" she asked, sending him a weird look and he just shrugged as he played back an imessage game tilly had sent him earlier.

"guys if you're wondering why were at the airport, we're going to new jersey," nick explained to the boys' vlog camera and he pointed it at matt.

"yeah we're going to surprise ronnie and tilly. they think we're coming on thursday, but it'd be funny to scare the shit out of them." matt explained, and nick turned the camera back around so it could show both of them in the frame.

"we were originally coming down there for tilly's birthday, but matt missed cam so now we have to go earlier—" nick jokingly explained and matt just hit his arm.

"no no no. this was actually chris' idea."

"fuck that." chris snorted and madi laughed.

"he's right, i have the text messages to prove it." she took out her phone and chris just narrowed his eyes at her before smacking the phone out of her hand.

"i have no idea what you're talking about."

"alright." nick interrupted, and matt took the camera into his hands.

"how do you think they're going to react?" he asked behind the camera and pointed it at nick while he was the first to respond.

"i think tilly's going to punch chris if her scares her and it's going to take cam five minutes to process us there before she really reacts." he spoke honestly and matt ans madi erupted in laughter at it. it was so ridiculously on point that it was the most probably.

"holy shit, kid's spitting facts." chris laughed and nick just joined in.

"we should not be this giggly at 2:30 in the morning." madi laughed and matt just pointed the camera at her and then used his finger to point at her.

"i agree."

"we should—" chris started but was cut off by matt's phone ringing on his lap. the boy handed turned the camera to himself, feigning a shocked face as he heard the face time ringtone fill the air.

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now