052; stole your girl

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just friends
just friends
just friends

"LAST SOUND CHECK HOW WE FEELING?!" cameron asked matt, her video camera pointed at him and ready to capture every moment. she needed some content for youtube and what better than her famous boyfriend and his famous friends.

"pretty good." he nodded and cameron stepped back so the camera could see his outfit.

"do little spin babe, you look great." she told him and matt started laughing as be spun around for the girl to show off his hockey jersey.

"ronnie's a little rebellious and wore her jersey devils jersey instead of the bruins one." matt said when he grabbed the camera and cam just showed off her outfit.

"i have to stay true to myself matthew. i am a die hard jersey devils fan." she posed for the camera and all you could hear was matt's giggling in the background.

"you're so cute." he said as he laughed and she just scrunched up her nose and took the camera back from him.

"shush you're giving me more stuff to edit out." she said and matt just shrugged, not really caring since it wasn't him the one editing. cameron just gave him a quick kiss though, to reassure him she was just joking before walking back towards where the others were.

"a devils jersey cam? really?" chris blankly spoke and the girl just rolled her eyes and turned around to point at the back of the jersey.

"admit defeat, number one hughes fan." she blew a kiss, which only caused matt to send her an annoyed look.

"i don't blame her i have a man crush on jack hughes too." nate joked and nick just blinked, not expecting that to come out of nate's mouth. they all just stared at him in surprise. "what?" the confused response sent them all into a fit of laughter.

"mics guys! how many times do i have to tell you?" laura shouted form across the venue, cutting their laughter short and causing them to all scramble and do what they were meant to be doing.

madi, nate and cam just stood back watching them struggle, finding the scene quite hilarious. it was great content for cam and entertainment for madi and nate.

"uh oh momma laura's about to beat their asses." cam snorted, making the other two laugh and matt just send the girl another look of annoyance.

"not helping cameron."

"stop that, that's terrifying." she looked at him slightly scared and he just paused and approached her, feeling a little guilty.

"i'm sorry ron i was just messing with you." he told her and she just blinked and started laughing.

"dude i'm fine, i was messing with you." she snorted and matt just narrowed his eyes at the girl.

"fuck you."

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now