054; yo mama

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just friends just friends just friends

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just friends
just friends
just friends

MATT WALKED INTO HIS ROOM WHERE CAMERON WAS LAYING ON HIS BED, aimlessly scrolling through tik tok out of boredom. the boys had some family to see and cam had a bit of a headache and wanted to sleep in a little more so she just stayed back.

she snuck into matt's room when he was gone and fell asleep immediately again when she hit the bed, realizing that the headache was probably from lack of sleep.

the girl was on her side, her back facing the door and matt. he just smiled when he laid eyes on her, slipping off his shoes and laying down next to her, snaking an arm around her waist and kissing her shoulder.

"hey ronnie."

"holis." she said, linking her hand with his before swiping past the next tik tok.

"when'd you get up?" he asked her, his eyes watching the video with her.

"like ten minutes ago, i figured you guys would be home soon." she stated before shutting off her phone and turning around so she could face him.

matt just scanned her face, checking if she was okay but then figuring that what she looked like probabaly didn't give that away. he just put the back of his hand on her forehead and then her cheek like his mom used to do when he was sick as a kid.

"you're a little warm ron." he told her as she closed her eyes from the touch. his hands were cold and it felt like he read cooling her down.

"i'm sure it's nothing, i feel better than i did this morning." she told him, scooting closer to him and just kissing the space between his collar bone and his shoulder. she always did that, and matt loved it every time.

"you sure? you're running a little warm." he said again and she just opened her eyes and nodded, a small smile on her lips. the girl kissed him, short and sweet, just to reassure him.

"if you're sick i'm sick, we'll go down together i guess." he joked and she just rolled her eyes and pushed him away because of it. "i'm kidding i'm sorry—i'm kidding!" he laughed, pulling the girl back and kissing her again.

"cameron bernadette you're the only person i want to be sick with." he said teasingly waving his finger in her face which caused her to roll her eyes, even though she was fighting back a laugh.

"stop it with the middle name, i'll literally pay you." she told him and matt just shook his head.

"no. way too entertaining."

"okay what about $20? next date's on me?" she offered and he shook her head.

"no. and no you know i wouldn't let you do that- and don't bring up that joke about feminism in 2023. i don't do it because i think you can't pay for yourself, i do it because that's what my mom raised me to do." he explained for easily the fifth millionth time to the girl and she just laughed, wrapping her arms around his waist and placing her head on his shoulder.

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now