055; in love with him

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just friends just friends just friends

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just friends
just friends
just friends

"RONNIE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO GO OUT?" matt asked for probably the millionth time, causing cameron to only sigh and then let out a small laugh. she just got up from her position on his desk where she was doing her makeup and sat down next to the boy.

"bernard, i, me, cameron hart, am perfectly fine." she reassured him but she spoke to him
like he was stupid which caused him to blankly stare at her before rolling his eyes.

"alright geez." he paused before scanning his eyes over her face once again. "are you sure you're okay?" he asked one more time and she just groaned before getting up and going back to his desk to finish her makeup.

"it's just a little cold, we're going to the arcade, i'll be perfectly fine." she snorted and matt just rolled his eyes and was going to say something snarky in return but was interrupted by chris bursting into the room, tilly right behind him.

"SUP FUCKER! YOU READY TO BE OBLITERATED—hey cam." he paused to wave at the girl before tackling his brother onto the boy's own bed.

"oh gosh." tilly sighed and shook her head before grabbing a spare chair in the corner of matt's room and pulling it up next to cam so she could raid the girl's makeup.

"you guys go ahead, i'm gonna stay and cuddle here with matt." chris said wrapping his arm around matt for a second before his brother pushed him away.

"bro! get away from me." he said seriously, though he was just trying to fight laughter.

"what are we waiting for anyway? let's go." chris jumped up from the bed and placed his hands on his hips.

"cam's finishing her makeup." tilly said and chris groaned.

"bro you look fine, let's go." he said and cameron only turned around and flicked him before going back to brushing off the powder she had under her eyes. "ow. are you at least almost done?"

"five more minutes." was all she said when she reached for her powdered blush from her messy makeup bag.

"we'll go heat up the car." matt suggested, noticing that chris was filled with so much energy and nothing good would come out of him behind enclosed in matt's room waiting.

matt reached for his jacket and keys as chris practically sprinted out the room and into his to grab his own jacket. matt took the opportunity to go up to the girl and and kiss her cheek.

"you look beautiful either way." he told her quietly so it was kept in between them two and when she turned her head he kissed her quickly. "i'll be in the car!" he then said so tilly could hear and walked out the room.

"oh my gosh." cam sat there frozen after speaking and tilly just looked over to here concerned.

"what? what happened?"

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now