021; be more subtle

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just friendsjust friends just friends

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just friends
just friends
just friends

"TILLY!" matt called to the girl, causing her to turn away from chris and look at him.

"matt!" she responded before narrowing her eyes. "aren't you supposed to be with cameron?"

"supposed to? no. but i lost her and i wanna know where she is." he furrowed his eyebrows and blinked at her, turning his head slightly in confusion.

chris moved to stand next to tilly instead of behind her and inserted himself into the conversation.

"how'd you lose cam?" tilly asked and matt just pointed over to the photobooth they had just been in.

"nick kicked me out after i took a picture with her. and then i went to go find her and all i found was nick with nessa." he explained and chris raised his eyebrows.

"nick kicked you out? that wasn't part of the pla—" chris started but tilly elbowed him to shut him up. he realized quickly how he screwed up and tried to cover it up but matt already understood him.

"what plan?"

"plan? plan? what are you talking about? i didn't say that." chris put his hands up in defense before backing away slightly.

"you just said plan chris. the whole fucking world heard your big mouth. what plan are you talking about?" matt narrowed his eyes and chris just nervously laughed befor rushing off.

matt turned his attention to tilly but just found her looking back at him already with a blank stare.

"you're not getting anything out of me."

"yeah i figured." matt sighed before she turned around and walked off without another word.

he just scanned the room again, coming up empty though anyways. matt could've just gone and socialized with whoever was around but he wanted to find cam. he just wanted to be around her, whether they spoke to other people or not. matt didn't like it but he was aware of how much he drew towards her.

matt went to socialize for the time being, pretending he wanted to talk to the random people he was greeting. really he was just trying to seem less eager for finding the girl, and he felt bad for ignoring the people who said hi to him when they came in.

cameron on the other hand had already gave up looking for matt in the big crowd of people, so she just stuck with tilly and madi when they found her. chris had popped out of nowhere too,
scaring the living crap out of tilly on purpose and causing the girl to turn around and gut punch him.

so that's where they were now, laughing their asses off at chris' pain.

"why the fuck do you hit so hard?"

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now