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just friends just friends just friends

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just friends
just friends
just friends

"MATT ARE YOU—" cam popped up in the door way of his room, finding the boy knocked out under his covers.

in his defense they all went to sleep really late trying to figure out how to deal with the situation with laura and madi. they had come to the conclusion that they weren't going to address it. since they were mostly all together it was way easier to deal with it.

cam had gotten up way too early for a sunday morning, but she couldn't help it. it was what she was used to. so she just helped mary lou make some breakfast for them all and even nate came over.

the boys and tilly were still asleep though, the only ones downstairs and ready for the day were nate, the sturniolo parents, and cam.

cam was getting a little impatient though, so she went to go wake up matt. mainly because he was the least likely to get mad at her.

"—awake. c'mon bro it's like 10 o'clock. get out of bed." she leaned on the door way and he didn't respond. thought after a long pause he grabbed the cover and pulled it over his head. "YOU ARE AWAKE!"

"go away." he groaned, hiding under his covers, but sticking his hand out to grab his phone from his night stand.

"i swear if you're playing that stupid ga—"

"ronnie please i'm begging you to shut the fuck up. it's too early for this." he told her and she just laughed before moving towards where the bed was and grabbing hold of the top of the cover. when she pulled it back enough to see his face he just grabbed the pillow he was hugging and chucked it at her.

it clearly took her by surprise because she stumbled back and then she tripped on her own pair of shoes she had left in there the night before and fell backwards.

"MATT!" she exclaimed when she fell on her ass and matt just responded in laughter.

"i would say sorry but this is too fucking funny." his voice clearly showed how he literally had just woken up and she just glared at him.

"i hope you fall off your bed when you go to sleep tonight." she told him and he just leaned over the bed and offered his hand to pull her up.

"yeah that's not happening."

"don't get close to me you probably stink." she joked as she stood next to the bed again after accepting his offer to help.

"alright i'm like so close to pushing you."

"you're so cranky in the morning. geez." she raised her eyebrows and matt just grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her onto the bed. "MATT!" she called for probably millionth time in the past ten minutes.

"shut up for like two seconds please." he told her, placing his head on her shoulder as he closed his eyes and she just rolled her eyes before deciding to at least get comfortable.

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now