032; stop calling me that

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just friends just friends just friends

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just friends
just friends
just friends

"FIFTEEN, SIXTEEN, SEVENTEEN, EIGHTEEN, NINETEE—" cameron counted quietly as she waited for her picture to appear in the developing chemical.

"cam!" she heard jordan call from across the room, but because she had her headphones on she figured she would be fine if she pretended she didn't hear him.

she was in her photography class, which is one that she had with her entire friend group in school. they were all in the dark room, working on their personal projects. she just kept her phone on the other side of the room with them because she didn't want to get any light near the photo paper.

"cam!" she heard again, but she really just wanted to focus as she moved her picture from one chemical to the next.

"cameron!" jordan now tapped her shoulder and she turned around and met eyes with him.

"yes hi, sorry i'm here i promise." she blinked, smiling at him before turning around and transferring the picture again.

"what's up with you? you've been like down all day." he put his hand on her shoulder and then put a reassuring hand on her back to just show her that he was there.

cameron froze and then grew slowly upset at the question and comment. she told him yesterday what had happened and he was asking why she was down?

matt would've known.

no. she needed to stop. jordan wasn't matt. maybe he needed a reminder on what happened. she took a deep and silent breath and then went to respond. 

when she thought deeper into her response she stopped herself again. it was stupid. he would think why she was upset as stupid. because to others it couldn't have been as serious as she felt it to be.

but then again it did mean a lot to her.

it was taylor swift concert tickets.

it wasn't like she was heartbroken either, by the end of the day she would get over not scoring any tickets and everything selling out way too quickly. but it still stung that she wouldn't be able to see taylor when she was doing all her eras especially when cameron had been a fan since she was a kid.

so she kept her mouth shut, in fear that jordan would judge her choices of wallowing in the dark room and developing film for her project and her friends' project to keep her sanity for a little more until she could go home and scream taylor swift.

"i'm good." she nodded, before gasping and turning back to her paper. she zoned out way too long and left the picture in the stop bath for longer than the minute mark. "oh crap—" she quickly transferred the picture to the water bath before rushing over to the other side of the room to set a timer for herself.

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now