028; i'd drop everything

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just friends just friends just friends

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just friends
just friends
just friends

CAMERON CHEWED ON THE INSIDE OF HER CHEEK AS SHE LET SOME RANDOM HARRY STYLES SONG PLAY IN THE BACKGROUND. tilly had control of the aux because cam was still processing everything that they had learned in the past couple of hours.

after going home and seeing her parents she explained why she needed to go and that she would be back for school before monday. maria and joey hart understood why their daughter needed to be there for her friends. they knew her heart and they also know that she wouldn't be calm and relaxed if she had stayed home either.

every hour there was at least one new update from laura on what was going on. the police were no longer involved because they had determined the accusation unreliable and that chris had done nothing wrong.

the girl and her parents were contacted, but they announced that they wanted to give no comment.

cameron called tilly when she about to leave her house. as much as tilly joked around about how she didn't like the boys, cam knew she would drop anything in a second for them. and knowing chris was going to somehow put his big boy pants on and try to deal with all of this like an adult worried tilly for some reason.

she had never packed a bag faster in her life.

the silence between the two girls was broken when the loud ring on cameron's carplay rang through the car. matt's face popped up on the screen from his contact picture and cam just smiled a bit before hitting the answer button and letting her eyes fall back on the road.

"hey ron." he grumbled out, clearly having just woken up. why she was the first person he called was baffling to her, but she wasn't really complaining.

"matt it's like two o clock why are you just waking up?" tilly questioned, making her presence known and matt just mumbled a 'fuck you' before waiting for cameron to reply.

"hey babe, have you checked your phone yet?" she said and matt groaned, finding it annoying that nick had already said the same thing when he walked into the room and found matt awake.

"no, i only saw your messages that's why i called you. how was breakfast with that kid?" he asked and tilly just elbowed cam before pointing at the screen.

"it was okay i guess. i didn't really get to finish my food. listen you got a second?" she asked.

"i've been up for two point five seconds ronnie, i'm literally not going anywhere."

"last night some girl went on live and accused chris of some really horrible things. the police got involved at one point because she's a minor in california but it's all cleared up and obviously chris is innocent. but the internet is not a happy place for chris right now or any of you so just
stay off social media for a bit. i don't want anything to set you off." she was straight to the point, which immediately made matt sit up in his bed in confusion. his eyebrows were furrowed and he ran his hand through his hair.

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now