048; happy birthday cam

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just friends
just friends
just friends

"HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SH—" chris repeated over and over again once they were finally all sat and waited for cam to come to the table. she got wrapped up in more pictures and getting ready for the next ceremony. "DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT? MATT AND CAM KISSED- LIKE ON THE MOUTH. LIKE KISSED- LIKE ACTUALLY—" he freaked and tilly just put her hand up and covered his mouth to shut him up.

"christopher shut the fuck up! we all saw it. yes we're all about to scream but you need to relax." tilly put her hand on his shoulder after taking it off of his mouth and practically pulled him to sit down.

"do you think they know we know?" nate asked and nessa just furrowed her eyebrows.

"they kissed in the middle of her big entrance. i'm pretty sure they're aware we know." she laughed and nate just rolled his eyes at her comment.

"not about that i'm not stupid, i meant about the kiss on new years." he said, pouring some of the water that was in a jug in the middle of the table into his cup and then taking a sip.

the others had absolutely no idea about that kiss, which made them all freeze and slowly turn to face him.

"why are you all looking at me like that?" he blinked, slowly putting his cup down because of the looks he was getting.

"the kiss on new years?" nick repeated and nate slowly nodded.

"yeah? wait i thought we all knew already." he furrowed his eyebrows and madi was quick to shake her head.

"uh no? we literally had no idea."

"what the fuck? they kissed and no one told us? wait they told you before cam told me?" tilly shook her head confused and nate just quickly corrected her before she could feel any kind of offended or hurt.

"no no no, logan told me. i just figured you all knew." he shrugged and chris had his hand on his forehead with his jaw draped.

"i think chris is malfunctioning right now." nessa snorted and chris just snapped out of his trance and sent her a glare.

"shut the fuck up—" he said before his eyes widened and he went back to his freak out state. "THEY FUCKING KISSED ON NEW YEARS?!" he exclaimed and tilly hit his chest to shut him up.

"lower your voice, the whole damn venue can hear you."

"let them hear because i'm gonna fucking kill matt for not telling me—"

"not telling you what?" matt popped out of nowhere, his hands in the pockets of his dress pants and they all just stared at him.

"you fucking bitch—" chris went to lunge at him, which caused matt's eyes to widen and he jumped back quickly. tilly caught chris' wrist before he could hurt matt though, forcing her boyfriend to sit down.

just friends; m. sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now