Little Stuff

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Bible is sitting in a room behind the stage waiting for the rest of the cast to finish their rehearsal for the day. He lays down on the sofa provided by the venue, bored out of his mind. Bible's eyes drifted around the room, landing on a specific object, he then sat up staring at the object before standing and going over towards the object. Bible ran his fingers toward the object before carrying it back to the sofa.

"You know, you shouldn't be touching Mile's guitar"

"It's fine"

Bible keeps his eye on the object in his hand, he traces the zip of the guitar casing before opening it and pulling out the guitar from the guitar. Bible discards the case to his side and sets the guitar on his lap, tracing the design on the guitar's pickguard. Bible then leans back on the sofa and starts strumming the guitar mindlessly, wondering if the owner of the guitar will be back soon.

"Are you having fun?"

Bible snaps his head towards the familiar voice, a smile blossoming on his face as he watch the owner of the guitar approach him with a soft smile. Bible put Mile's guitar aside as Mile took a seat next to him and rest his arm at the backrest of the sofa. Bible looks at Mile with a soft smile, leaning back on the arm that rests behind him, shuffling a bit closer to the man so he can lean on Mile's shoulder.

"I was waiting for you,"

"You should've gone back to the hotel first, Bibs"

"Want to go with you, Phi"

Bible tilts his head up and pouts, staring at Mile through his lashes. He then felt fingers running through his hair and keens at the action, leaning towards the touch earning a chuckle from the other man.

"You're such a cat"

"Hm, Your cat"

Mile chuckle at Bible's actions towards him. Bible has always been firm and isn't into skinship when he's with the other cast, but somehow with him, Bible would always be putty with him, leaning his body towards him and will always cling to him or is touching him someway. Mile continues carding his fingers in Bible's hair for a while, smiling as he felt Bible melting onto him.

"We should head back, Bibs"

"Okay, Phi"

And with that Mile holds Bible's shoulder, pulling the smaller man up with him. Mile than grabs Bibles hand, intertwining his fingers with the smaller man and dragging him to the car and back to the hotel. Once they're back, Mile pulls Bible to his room.

"Phi? Why are you bringing me to your room??"

"I asked Apo to switch with you"

"Oh? But-"

"Apo doesn't mind, he's glad actually."


Bible walks towards the bed in the room, plopping himself on it and hugging the pillow to his chest. He then takes a peek at Mile, who is stripping out of his clothes and going to the bathroom. Bible takes out his phone and decided to scroll down his social media since he has showered and changed in the venue as he waits for Mile.

The door to the bathroom opens and Mile steps out of the bathroom. Mile looks at Bible who seems to be watching something, wiggling around as he tries to follow the video he's watching.

"What are you watching?"


Mile chuckled at Bible's enthusiasm, he then settled down, leaning against the bed's headboard and patting the bed to his side, hinting Bible to sit next to him. Bible shuffles towards Mile, his hand still holding his phone, and settles himself leaning into Mile before continuing to watch the performance video and humming the song.

Mile played with his phone as Bible watches, he would sometimes take a peek at Bible when the smaller one squealed in excitement or imitated a specific part of the dance show on the video. Mile smiled softly at Bible, kissing the side of Bible's head a couple of times or petting the smaller head. Meanwhile, Bible is so focused on watching that he doesn't realize the action Mile is doing towards him.

They stayed in bed like that for a while, before Mile looks at the clock. Deeming that it's late enough he puts his phone on the tableside before running his fingers through Bible's hair.

"Baby, it's time to sleep"

"Okay, Phi"

Mile smiles at Bible's response, thinking back at the fact that Bible is only like this with him. Mile watches as Bible turn off his phone and puts it on the tableside, before the both of them tucking themselves under the blankets. Mile pulls Bible into his arms, making the smaller man rest in Mile's chest, and grab Bible's hand, caressing them.

"You're always so good for Phi"

"Yeah, Phi's good boy"

Mile chuckles at the reply, agreeing in his heart. Bible is always so kind and polite, especially with him. Mile plays with Bible's hair, watching the smaller one relax in his arm, softly coaxing Bible to sleep.

"Sleep, Bibs"

"Nighty, Phi"

"Night, Baby"

Mile watches Bible falls asleep and only closes his eyes once Bible is fully asleep.

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