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Bible sat on the chair in the middle of the clothing store, his legs shaking as he stares at Apo who was looking through clothes. Bible looks at his watch and then at the door, he sighs as if there is no sign of someone coming.

Bible reaches his hand out towards his back pocket, trying to grab his phone when he hears the store's door open. He whips his head towards it and his eyes watch as a man in a black button-up and slacks enters in long strides. Bible's face lights up in a second, his eyes sparkle, and his lips twitch up in a smile.

A man strides into the store, maneuvering himself straight toward where Apo and Bible are. He greets Apo first before going to Bible, who's looking at him with glittering eyes and a grin. The man strides to Bible, grinning as he opens his arms for the smaller man.

"Phi Maiiii!"


Bible launches himself into the open arms of his boyfriend, Mile. He latches himself to the bigger man, arms circling onto the older's neck as he tiptoes and his face buried into the crook of Mile's neck, inhaling into it. A finger is carded through his hair, and he melts at the touch.

"I miss you"

"Phi misses you too, baby"

Mile kissed Bible's temple, before kissing the younger's plump cheeks and then his lips, suckling on the bottom lips as their lips clashed. Bible melted into the kiss, pulling Mile's nape and closing the gap between them while Mile held onto Bible's waist, digging his fingers onto Bible's sides.


A loud voice and a smack on Mile's neck, snap the couple out of their own little world. Mile whipped his head towards the source of the voice while Bible buried his face into Mile's neck. Apo stood near them, hand crossed against his chest with his mouth pursued into a line. Mile grin's at Apo, greeting the other with his arms still full of Bible.

"Hi Po"

"Heyy, you should start trying clothes"


Bible who's buried in Mile's arms peaked out of the older's chest and pouts, he doesn't want to let go of Mile yet as the older one just arrived. Apo saw this and chuckled, he reached his hand out toward Bib and pats his head.


"Yes, P'Po?"

"Let go of Mile na~ He needs to go fitting, you too"

"1 minute"

Mile chuckled as the smaller buried his face back onto his chest, he ran his hand onto Bible's hair and went to talk to the staff to get his fitting ready. Mile circles his arms around Bible's shoulder, swaying both of them side by side as he kisses the other head a couple of times before finally pulling away, earning a pout.

Mile and Bible head towards each of their fitting rooms, changing into the outfit prepared before heading out, Mile usually finishes changing first followed by Bible. Apo, who has arrived earlier keeps an eye on their outfits, once in a while fixing their outfit (mostly with Bible).

This went on for a while with different types of outfits, once all of them were satisfied with their outfit and found which suits them for their next schedule, they went ahead looking at other stuff in the store. Apo went straight towards the brighter color outfits while Bible went to look at the shoe section with Mile tailing behind him.

Bible has taken interest in dress shoes ever since he started dating Mile, being influenced by the other he starts to buy dress shoes. He scanned his eyes onto the racks with kinds of dress shoes lined up on them. Mile settled behind Bible, holding the smaller waist, and resting his chin on the younger shoulder, eyes scanning the shoes too.

A shoe caught Bible's eyes and so he reached out for it, shuffling to it as Mile is draped onto his back. He grabbed the shoes and looks through them, it was a simple yet sophisticated model and Bible likes the shoes.

"Should we buy it?"


"The shoes. Do you like it?"

"Yeah, it's really nice"

"Then buy it"

"I don't know-"

"Phi will buy it for you"

"You don't need to buy it for me, Phii"

"But I want to"


"How about this, I'll buy the shoes for you and you'll pay me back?"


"Okay, na~ Phi really wants to buy them for you"

"Fine... How should Bib pay Phi back?"

Mile grins as he gets Bible to agree, looking at the younger's adorable face, Mile can't help but want to spoil Bible. Mile straightened his posture, hands digging into Bible's waist before pulling the younger onto him, pressing his front towards the younger before whispering in the youngers ear.

"Go home with Phi na~"

Bible, who has his back pulled into his boyfriend's front felt something poke from behind, his face flushing in an instant and when he hears what Mile whispered into his ears, heat rushed onto his cheeks. Feeling shy and flustered, Bible pushed Mile away and ran towards Apo, who was on the other side of the room, earning a chuckle from Mile.

Mile chuckled as he watched Bible run towards Apo with red ears and flushed cheeks. He took a look at the shoes before motioning toward the worker to wrap them up. Mile went ahead to the cashier, paying for the shoes as he thinks a plan on how to make sure his little boyfriend agree on going back home with him. 

Author Note:

Hello~ It's Kei! I just want to say thank you to those who read my au here, especially those who went ahead and vote for it! I'll try to update more frequently as I'm finally fully adjusted here in Korea hehe

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