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A/N: Hello, it's Kei! I want to say thank you for patiently waiting for the update, I was supposed to finish this on August 26th, Saturday but me and my cousin found out that our uncle emailed us tickets for Asian Sound Syndicate Vol.2, so I was out for the event for 2 days. 

It was still pretty early when Mile and Bible arrived at the venue for their schedule, the two got out of Mile's car and headed towards the waiting room. Bible's hair still disheveled from his short nap on the car while Mile follows him from the back, eyes following the younger's movement. Now, people may wonder why they are together; the answer is simple, Mile doesn't want Bible to be far away from him.

The day before their schedule, Mile and Bible decided to go on a date, the two just recently started dating so they are making use their free time to spend more time with each other. Mile picked up his younger boyfriend from his place pretty early and the two went to a restaurant to get breakfast.

The two still feels slightly shy when it comes towards their relationship and dates, with Bible not knowing what to do with himself when he's near the older, stuttering and blushing when Mile make advances towards him. Mile, on the other hand, is similar, he doesn't know what to do when it comes to Bible, so he's a lot more soft and gentle when it comes to the younger.

After going for breakfast, the two headed to a bookstore Bible have been wanting to go. Everyone who knew Bible knows that he enjoys reading books, so Mile thought it's a great idea to bring the younger to a bookstore and spoil him, especially when the younger has been talking about the said bookstore.

Once they arrived at the bookstore, Mile can't help but grin as he watches Bible's face lights up at the sight of the store, Mile really wants to give the younger hugs and kisses but they haven't even parked yet. Once they parked, Mile was about to tease the younger a bit, wanting Bible to give him a kiss.

Mile turned to look at Bible, who's already looking at him with sparkle in his eyes, and as he was about to say something Bible pounced on him, circling his arms around Mile's neck, and the older can practically feel the younger vibrating in excitement. Mile circled his arms around the younger's waist, caressing it.

Bible soon pulled away, eyes sparkling, lips in a full blown grin, cheeks tinted with a hue of red. He stares at the older before moving to give the older a kiss on the lips, Mile smiles ever so sweetly to the smaller one before surging forward to capture the younger's lips again.

After sharing a couple of more kisses, the two finally went out of the car and into the bookstore, Bible immediately went to the non-fiction section, going through the books one by one, while Mile follows the younger wherever he goes, and if Bible picked out a book he wants, Mile would grab it and hold it for him.

The two spends 2 hours just at the bookstore, with Bible seriously choosing the books he wanted and Mile just following the younger fondly. The younger ended up choosing 5 books and they then headed towards the cashier and as Bible wanted to pay, Mile beats him to pay.

"Phi, I could've pay that for myself!"

"Let Phi spoil you, Bibs"

"But, Phiiii"

"No, buts, babe"

The two went back towards the car with Bible pouting at Mile, once in the car, Mile grabs the younger's cheeks, squishing them before kissing away Bible's pout. Once the younger is not pouting anymore, the two drove off again, this time to a cafe that Mile likes to go.

Once they arrived at the cafe and headed inside, Bible immediately pushed Mile towards and empty seat, telling the older to stay still or else he's going to get angry with the older, before heading towards the cashier to order.

Mile watches the younger fondly, chuckling as the younger threatens him, in his eyes Bible just look like a grumpy kitten, one which Mile wants to hug and bite. He watches as the younger order for the both of them, his eyes never leaving the younger.

Once Bible heads back to their table, along with their order, the two decided to take a sip of their drinks before falling into a conversatione, one which started with their schedule tomorrow. The two talk about how they're excited and how they hope tomorrow will happen, from there the two continue to talk about other topics.

From work, to hobby, to talking about the future, and about them, the two left the cafe after spending a couple of hours, they head back to Mile's car and drove to Mile's place as it's closer to the venue for tomorrow, the older insisting that the younger should stay the night with him.

The ride from the cafe to Mile's place isn't that far, with Bible taking over the radio and Mile resting his hand on Bible's thigh as they drive off. Soon enough the two arrived and they don't take too long to get inside.

It's not the first time Bible visited Mile's place nor is it the first time he's staying over at his boyfriend's house. So, once they arrived, Bible immediately went to Mile's room and showered, while Mile brings inside the books he bought for Bible, in case the younger wants to read.

Once Mile sets Bible's books on the living room, he went towards his room and heard the shower running, so he took it up on himself and went to his closet to choose a comfortable outfit for the younger.

Once he picked the clothes, he went towards the bathroom, to which the shower seem to stop running, Mile knock on the bathroom door and called out for the younger. Bible opened the door and peek his head out and saw Mile holding some clothes and telling him to quickly get dressed. Bible thanked the older and grabbed the clothes, quickly wearing them before going back out of the bathroom.

Bible headed to the kitchen once he's out of his shower, grabbing a glass of water before heading back towards Mile's room, stopping at the living room to grab one of his book first before heading back. He placed his glass and book on the nightstand before climbing onto the bed.

The younger made himself comfortable, he has himself leaning on the headboard with blanket covering him up to his waist and he has a remote control on his hand. He turned on the TV in Mile's room and went to open Netflix.

When Mile appear from the bathroom, Bible is still looking for something to watch, the older approaches the younger and settles beside him, the two ended up choosing a random movie that caught their eyes.

The two spend the rest of their day mostly in bed, watching movies as they cuddle and kiss, and the only time they got out of bed is either when they have to go to bathroom or to get some food and drinks. Soon enough, falling asleep in each others arms.

It was early when they both woke up, the two stayed in bed for a bit more before getting ready for their schedule, with Bible laying on top of Mile, his cheeks squished onto Mile's peck while the older pats his head and rubs his back.

Usually when Bible stays at Mile's place he would only bring his undergarments as he prefers to wear Mile's clothing, liking the way it falls a bit to big on him. Since he doesn't bring any change, Bible just wore the shirt given by the stylist for the day, and then wearing Mile's pants and coat to finish of his look. Mile on the other hand just wore some black t-shirt and pants, opting to change on set.

The two made some breakfast before going to the venue, once they're done, they went to Mile's car and drive off. Bible at this time still feels sleepy, so Mile pats his thigh telling the younger to just sleep through their ride to the venue.

Bible nods at Mile, he grabbed the older's hand, playing with Mile's fingers as he lean his head back and closing his eyes, soon enough falling asleep. Mile just smiles as he linked their fingers, driving as smoothly as possible as to not wake up the younger one.

Once they arrived, Mile gently pokes Bible's cheeks, calling the younger's name softly to which the younger stirred. Bible gently opened his eyes, he rubbed his eyes as he takes in his surrounding.

"Are you awake now Bibs?"

"Mhmm, I'm still sleepy, Phi..."

"You can take another nap in the waiting room na"


Mile runs his hand on Bible's hair, fixing it so it doesn't look as messy. They then got off the car and head inside the venue, and since they have time, Bible ends up taking another nap with Mile being his own personal pillow.

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