Just Being Friendly?

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A/N: I special chapter for @unknownzz119 to thank them for reading and supporting my works. I hope you like this!!!

Ever since the start, Bible has his eyes on Mile. The older is so eye-catching that the first time he saw him, he can't get his eyes off of Mile. The very first time Bible saw him was during his audition, now it has been years and Bible still has his eyes on the older.

Bible tries to keep his feelings a secret, from attraction to love, keeping everything himself. He keeps a slight distance from the older, trying not to get flustered every time Mile gets near him.

As time passed by, Bible gets more and more confused by Mile. He tried to distance himself but frequently find Mile near him, talking to him, touching him and Bible is confused. Is Mile just being friendly to him or are his feelings returned?

It's not only one moment or event that made Bible question his feelings and wonder what Mile's goal is. Not once, not twice, but a couple of times, and at this point Bible is helpless, he's now desperately hoping that Mile actually like him back and that he's not the only one catching feelings.

The first time Bible questions his feelings was summer, the weather is getting hot, and the whole crew of the KinnPorsche cast decided it was best to go out to a waterpark with the minds of cooling down and also playing games to get closer to each other.

The whole cast took a bus together to the waterpark, Bible doesn't take much time, put his bags under and heads inside, and takes a seat by the window. He then rummages through his bag, pulling out a book and an earphone.

He drops his bag down and puts his book on his lap, Bible then opens his earphone case and was about to wear them when he felt someone sitting beside him. He halts his action and looks to his side and his eyes widen as he realized who's sitting next to him.


"Bible, I hope you don't mind if Phi sits here!"

"I...I don't mind"

"Why do you look so confused and shocked?"

"Oh! Uh... I thought Phi is going to sit with P'Po..."

"Po is glued to Jeff the moment he saw Jeff hahaha"


The two fell into silence, the kind that wasn't awkward. Bible starts opening his book, reading line by line as he keeps glancing at Mile, who's on his phone, once in a while. Bible can't help but feel mesmerized by the man beside him and soon he finds himself closing his book and keeps on glancing at the older man.

It doesn't take long for Bible to fall into slumber, his head lolling from side to side, and Mile seeing that ends up bringing the younger head and guiding it to his shoulder, smiling as the younger adjusted his position and fully leans his body onto Mile.

Mile softly smiled to himself, adjusting his position to make sure the sleeping younger man beside him sleep comfortably. Mile silently opens his camera app and sneakily took a picture of the younger, who's in a deep sleep with his mouth slightly open. After taking a picture, he puts away his phone a followed the younger into slumber.

Mile woke up first when they arrived and he gently shook Bible awake. He grabs his stuff and stood up, getting ready to go down, when he looks at Bible and sees the younger still not fully awake. Mile silently grabs Bible's bag and holds the younger wrist and guides him down.

Mile took it up upon himself to guide a sleeping Bible and grabs both his and Bible's stuff and brings them to the Villa, dropping off the younger in his room before going to his own, sadly not able to be in the same room.

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