Hi, High

831 33 1

Mile, Apo, and Bible were bidding farewell to their fans as they'll be flying to Saudi Arabia for their schedule. The three of them went around, waving goodbye and taking pictures before heading inside and to their boarding gate. Once inside, Apo walks ahead as he excitedly looks for their boarding gate leaving Bible to walk with Mile.

Bible was walking behind both Mile and Apo, he puts his earphones on and walks while looking down, humming the tune to the song he's listening to. He was in his own world and only snapping back and being aware of his surroundings when he felt the person walking in front of him slow down. Bible looks up in confusion, questioning why is Mile slowing down while Apo is now far ahead of them.

"Phi Mile?"

"You're walking behind"


Mile smiles at Bible, softly grabbing the youngers hands, he interlocks their fingers then pulls the younger to continue walking. Mile grins as Bible stumble to his side, walking beside him. He watches through the side of his eyes as Bible's face slowly heats up just from holding hands.



"We're in public..."


"What if people see?"

"Let them see"

Mile smiled as he felt the younger grip his hand tighter and shuffle closer to him. Bible avoided his gaze, but he doesn't mind, as long as his smaller boyfriend is by his side and is holding him, he was content with it (lies, P'Mile actually wants more).

The two then catch up with Apo, who has found their boarding gate. The three of them then look for seats, heading towards the empty seat, they put down their things and then sit down. Apo straight ahead pulls out his phone and starts scrolling through his social media and texting app, Mile pulls his phone out too and starts scrolling through Twitter, looking for pictures of the three of them with Bible, who sits comfortably beside him.

Bible decided to just get comfortable beside Mile. Bible leans his chin on Mile's shoulder, his hand still in Mile's hold, looking at Mile's phone as the other scrolls through Twitter. Mile would show him pictures he finds cute of them and would save them.

"You look so small, Bibs"

"I'm not small..."

The two talked in a soft tone as they waited for their boarding gate to be open, Mile commenting on the pictures he sees, on how Bible looked soft and small beside him, and how Bible looks good with glasses.

Bible turns red at the comments thrown by Mile, biting onto Mile's shoulder when the other keeps on complimenting him as he whines for the older to stop. Mile would then just chuckle and continue to scroll through pictures and videos of them as he caressed the younger hands.

When their boarding gate is open, the three took their time to grab their stuff and lined up at the gate. Bible feels sleepy after waiting for the gate to open, so as they lined up he stood between Mile and Apo, with Apo in the front and Mile behind him. Bible slowly moved backward, closing the gap between him and Mile, his back to Mile's front and then leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

Mile slither his arms around the younger waist, as he took a peak at Bible. The younger seems exhausted, Mile tightened his hold on Bible's waist, letting the other lean on him. He gave the younger man a peck on the side of his head, before looking straight, waiting for the line to move forward.



"Are you sleepy, baby?"

"Mhm, tired"

Mile turns Bible so that the other is facing him, then pulling him to his hold. Mile holds Bible by his waist, rubbing his hands on Bible's back as the younger lean on him with Bible's face squished onto his shoulder as the younger's arm hugs Mile by the waist.

As the line moves forward, Mile shuffles both Bible and himself until it was their turn to show their plane ticket and board the plane, separating after Apo's turn is done. They then board the plane and settle down on their seats, with Mile obviously sitting beside Bible. Once they took their seats, Mile took Bible's hands again holding them gently.

"Sleep, Baby. Phi will wake you up for food"

"Okay, Phi"

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