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Bible has barely slept for the past 3 days because of his thesis and his work schedule. He, Mile, and Apo have been in Saudi Arabia for the last 3 days for an event that they are invited too, and today is the day when they are finally heading back to Thai.

Bible is deadbeat; he was woken up by a fully ready and dressed Mile who ushers him to the bathroom. Bible quickly showers with eyes not quite open yet, he then heads out from the bathroom, and wore what Mile ended up preparing for him, he then takes a glance at the clock.

9 AM

Bible sighs, he walks towards Mile who is sitting on the room's sofa and plops himself beside him. He wiggles around, trying to get comfortable. The two of them end up in a position where both Bible's leg is thrown over Mile's lap, his head on the crook of Mile's neck with Mile's arm draped around Bible's shoulders while the other is on the younger man's lap.

"We still have an hour right, phi?


"Imma sleep"

"Hm, Phi will wake Nong up na"


In a matter of seconds, Bible is back asleep. Mile lets the younger take another nap, his hands going to the other's hair, stroking it as he plants a kiss on the younger man's forehead. Mile knew his younger boyfriend has been exhausted, juggling between his work schedule and university life. He wishes he could've done more for him.

Soon enough nearly an hour have passed, and Mile unwillingly shook Bible awake. Mile holds the smaller man tighter, softly calling out Bible to pull the younger out of his sleep. It took Mile a while, but soon enough Bible starts stirring, he fisted Mile's clothing and nuzzled closer into Mile's neck, eyebrows furrowing as his sleep is disturbed.


"Bib, we need to go"

"Wanna sleep..."

"Sleep in the car na"


"C'mon be a good boy for phi"


Mile gently brings Bible to stand up before he followed, he took the younger's hand and guides him to the door, he leans Bible, who's half awake, on the door before picking up their bags, thankfully not much.

Mile then ushers Bible to go out first as he's bringing both their luggage. Mile's hand is full, a sling bag across his body, and both hands holding a piece of luggage each. The two got out of the room and starts walking towards the elevator, Bible walks behind Mile. A couple of steps out of the room and to the elevator, Bible grabs hold of the back of Mile's jacket.

Mile felt a tug on his jacket and took a glance at Bible. The younger is walking with eyes half opened, Mile doesn't know if he should be worried that his smaller and younger boyfriend will trip and fall or coo at how adorable Bible looks right now.

"Bible? Baby?"


"Keep your eyes open for a bit na"


"Phi knows, but what if you trip and fall"


Bible forced himself to open his eyes and be awake, he thinks to himself that he can sleep again in the car and on the plane, that he just needs to be awake to go down to the lobby of the hotel and to the car. He can do it, he's Phi Mile's good boy.

In less than a minute the elevator arrived and the two went in, Bible shuffling behind Mile, still gripping the elder's jacket the whole time. As the elevator heads down, Bible leaned onto Mile's back, a whine escape the younger lips, as he feels that it was taking a while to go down.

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