You in Me (SMUT)

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A/N: I got so happy that someone is commenting on my works, so... HERE'S AN EXTRA UPDATE! ENJOYYY!!!!

Mile is dead set on taking his smaller boyfriend home for the night. The younger man looks so small, sweet, and soft and Mile just can't help the fact that he wants to hide the smaller man away from the world, wanting the smaller man just for himself. It may seem possessive and obsessive, but what can a man like Mile do when he gets himself a sweet and adorable Bible as his boyfriend?

Mile watches as Bible stands beside Apo, looking preciously small as they talk about something. Mile walks towards them after paying for the shoe Bible eyed moments ago, he stood near Bible and held the man by the waist, not interrupting Bible and Apo's conversation.

Bible felt hands creep onto his waist and held him gently, he knew whose hand it is so he didn't pay much attention to it and continued to talk with Apo. Bible unconsciously leaned back onto his boyfriend's body, hands circling his waist as he relaxed into the hold.

Bible and Apo continue to talk when suddenly a staff member comes up to them and informs them that the fitting is done and that they are able to head back home. The three thanked the staff member before they then said their last words and left. Apo leaving first, leaving the couple behind.

"Are you ready to go back?"

"Wait, Phi. Let me check my stuff"

Mile watches as Bible starts rummaging through his bag, making sure he's got his stuff with him. One of the store's staff approached him and handed him a paper bag, he accepted with thanks and then held it in front of Bible, who accepted it while looking confused.

"Here, you forgot this!"



"But I didn't buy anything..."

"Take it, Phi bought it for you!"


"No buts, Phi wants to spoil you"


"If you feel guilty... come home with Phi na"

Bible looks at Mile with wide eyes, he contemplates for a second, thinking if he follows his Phi Mile home, he'll get to spend more time with his lover but if he doesn't he's probably gonna sulk over how short their meeting was today. Bible quickly made his mind up and looked at Mile with a soft smile, nodding in agreement.

Mile grins as Bible agrees to go back home with him, he leans forward towards a short sweet peck on the younger lips, before slipping his hands onto Bible's. He made sure Bible had his stuff with him before pulling the smaller one to exit the store. Mile bids each staff a thank you and farewell with a smile, while Bible following behind him hastily does the same with a flushed face.

Mile guided the younger man towards his car, opening the passenger's seat before then grabbing Bible's stuff and telling the younger to get in. Once Bible was seated, he closed the door and went and put both his and Bible's stuff on the car's trunk and headed towards the driver's seat.

Once Mile is seated, and his seatbelt is on, he looks towards Bible, making sure the latter wears his seatbelt. Once he deemed everything was set, Mile drove off toward his house. Letting his little boyfriend be in charge of the stereo, puts a smile on his face.

Bible connects his phone to the car, and surfs through his playlist, finding the song he likes and playing it. Music starts filling up the vehicle and Bible leans back on his chair, getting comfortable, and looking out through the window. Mile's hand found its way to the younger's thighs, resting it there,

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