Falling Back To You

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Mile woke up and darkness filled his vision, he blindly reached out to the nightstand beside him and grabbed his phone, turning it on to look at the time. 02:48. He sighs, puts the phone back, and rubs his face before looking beside him. He stares at the back of the figure that's sleeping beside him, before reaching out.

Bible is deeply asleep, feeling tired as they just flew from Thailand to Japan and immediately went around the area, walking around and buying food. Once he got back, he immediately took a shower and fell asleep, with damp hair. Mile took it upon himself to take care of his smaller and younger boyfriend, he took a shower after Bible and dried the younger's hair, and made sure Bible didn't wake up.

Mile slithers his hands between Bible's thighs before grabbing hold of the younger's thighs and manhandling him, pulling him closer to Mile. Bible unconsciously shifted in his sleep, turning his body to face Mile and snuggling into the older's broader chest, huffing and continuing sleeping.

Mile hugs Bible close and kisses the younger's forehead, he brings his hand to rest on the younger's waist, slipping it under Bible's clothes, and starts rubbing his hands on the skin. He tightens his hold on the younger as he stares blankly and his mind wanders off about him and Bible.

Mile remembers the first time seeing the younger, it was during the series audition and he was just finished with his audition and is sitting on a chair, watching as the rest of the people did their audition. Mile was getting bored when suddenly one of them did an amazing job of portraying the character they auditioned for.

Mile learns the auditionee is Bible, he can't help but keep an eye on him, thinking how based on the audition, the character 'Vegas' is basically made for Bible. Mile was about to approach Bible but he was approached by the staff to be interviewed. Thinking that there is a small chance for them to meet again on that day, Mile prayed that both he and Bible will be recruited into the series so that they'll meet a lot more frequently.

They soon meet again when both Mile and Bible are called to attend a get-together for the cast of the series they auditioned for. When Mile's eye caught a glimpse of Bible, he couldn't help but walk towards him and starts making small talk.

Mile introduced himself to Bible, from name, age, and hobby, to which Bible responded his name, age, and hobby, too. Hearing that Bible is younger than him, Mile immediately asks the younger to call him 'Phi', and when he heard the younger testing it out, calling him 'Phi Mile' so softly, Mile can't help but melt internally.

From that then on, Mile would always be hovering over the younger, if there is Bible then there is Mile, who's located not far from the younger. Throughout workshops and shootings, Mile would always have something ready for Bible, whether it was snacks, drinks, sweets, or whatever.

Without Mile realizing, he's spoiling Bible and indulging the younger in whatever Bible is interested in. It got to the point that one day, Apo pulls Mile off to the side and ask him if he likes Bible. Mile was stunned at the question, he does feel attracted to the younger but he never thinks about actually having feelings for the younger or wanting to date him.

The conversation between him and Apo made him think, he thinks about what if he does end up dating Bible. Does Bible actually like him? Will Bible want to date him? Will he be a good boyfriend for the younger one? Lots of questions crossed Mile's mind, so he took his time to sort out his feelings.

It was the time when they were filming the last episode of the series, and they are in the very last scene. Mile has done his part and decided to stay to watch Bible, while Apo decided to go back home with Jeff, who visited the set for Apo.

Once the director yells cut, Mile keeps his eyes on Bible, his frown furrowing as he watches how Bible didn't move and his breath seemingly seems to stutter. Mile starts to frown before walking towards the younger, who now has his arm covering his eyes.

Mile kneels down beside Bible, who lets out a silent sob, and gently asks the younger if he's okay. Bible doesn't seem to be able to respond properly so he asks for consent to touch the younger, to which he gets a nod.

He then gently slides his arms under Bible's nape and knees and carries him into an empty makeup room. Sitting on a couch with Bible in his lap, he whispered comforting words to the younger one who started sobbing on the way to the room.

Mile's heart aches when Bible realizes the position he is in, jerking away and starting to apologize even going as far as to call himself a nuisance. Mile grits his teeth before taking a breath, before assuring the younger that he isn't a bother, telling the younger that he'd be happy if Bible comes to him if he's feeling down.

Once Bible starts to calm down, Mile runs his hands on Bible's hair, wiping the younger's tears before then standing up and ruffling Bible's hair, telling the younger he'd grab some drinks. Once he steps outside, Mile has decided that he doesn't want the younger to be sad and is now sure that he does have feelings for the younger.

Mile's plan is to confess during Bible's birthday as it's coming up, but he changed plans after he managed to bring Bible back to his home and have dinner together. They cooked together and ate together and Mile just felt everything was right at that moment, so he grabbed the guitar that he secretly purchased for Bible and confessed. At that moment, Mile doesn't regret that he impulsively confessed at that time.

The two immediately establish their relationship and decide to keep it to themselves but not keep it a secret, as per Bible requested. Mile can't decline as he has his Bible in his arms, giggling as he mentioned how it would be fun to see who would notice that they're dating without actually telling them.

Until this very moment, they haven't explicitly announced their relationship, though Apo and Jeff don't take long to figure things out between them, with Jeff figuring it out first and him telling Apo. Thankfully the two kept it to themselves, as per Bible's request, even tho the younger needs to persuade them with pouty lips and watery eyes.

Mile snaps out of his daze as he felt Bible shift in his arms, he softly smiled at the younger and gives the soft fluffy cheek a kiss, stirring the younger a bit. He brings his hands up to the younger's cheeks and caressed them, before closing their gaps and pecking the youngers lips. God, I love him so much. 

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