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Mile, nor Bible, was a super affectionate people, they were okay with skinship but they didn't necessarily look or initiate them first, but this soon changed when they met each other.

Mile can't help but find Bible cute, stumbling over his words with his broken Thai, the way his cheeks would redden in embarrassment when he mispronounced a word, the way the younger would call him ever so softly.

So at one point, whenever Bible improved his language or did a stunt or whatever it was the younger showed him, he would gently place his hand on the younger's head and pat him. This soon becomes a habit as Mile enjoys the way Bible would look at him with sparkly eyes as he pats him.

Bible was shocked when Mile first patted him on his head. Never does he think that Mile would somehow initiate a skinship, moreover to him. Bible stared at Mile in awe before shrugging himself and going back to the thing he was doing.

Bible thought it was a one-time thing, an unconscious mistake from Mile, but he was wrong on that. Mile would not only pat him on his head but sometimes he would place his hand on Bible's nape, rub his back, or squeeze his shoulder.

Mile finds himself liking having a skinship with Bible, maybe a bit too much. Mostly he'll just pat the younger or just place his hand on his nape and find himself staring at the younger's reaction to it.

When Mile first initiated skinship with Bible, the younger would look at him in shock before grinning at him, reminding Mile of a bunny.

The two don't overthink this skinship interaction they have going on, opting to just go with the flow and act natural, and they end up getting used to it.

Their interaction doesn't go unnoticed by Apo, who hangs around them a lot, and at one point his curiosity gets its best to Apo and he decides to confront Mile.

"P'Mile! Can we talk?"


Apo grabs Mile's arm and brings him to a more secluded area, not wanting others to hear their conversation.

"What is it, Po?"

"What's going on with you and Nong Bible? Are you dating? Since when?"

"Whoa! What makes you think that? We... we're not dating..."

"Yet! Both you and Nong aren't a huge skinship person but the both of you can't take your hands off of each other!"


"Anyway, I just want to say, don't lead Nong Bible on if you don't like him! If you do, then confess!"

Apo tends to be protective over the younger ones in their group of friends, taking Barcode, Nakunta, and Bible under his watch, treating them as if they are his own. It wasn't weird for him to confront people who seemed to have a relationship with them.

Mile is left in silence after Apo drags him to talk, he isn't sure of his feelings but he can admit that he's a lot more comfortable with Bible and that he has a soft spot for the younger, but since he's unsure about his feelings, he decided to keep in mind to tone down the skinship.

Toning down his interaction seems to mean restraining and avoiding the younger Mile, when he first thinks to himself that he should tone down his skinship, he realizes that it's easier said than done.

Mile realized that they have always gravitated towards each other, they may not be too sure about their feelings for each other but being away from the other feels like torture. Mile tries to mingle with others, tries to initiate skinship with others but it just makes him grimace.

Mile tries his best to restrain himself around Bible though, yet it seems that his attempts are failing. Not only does his urge to touch the younger gets stronger as days pass but also he doesn't want Bible to notice what he's doing.

Bible knows. He can tell that Mile is avoiding him and his brain can't help but overthink about it. At first, he tries to not pay attention to it, thinking that maybe Mile just wants to spend more time with the others and not just him.

But as days passed, Bible couldn't help but start feeling hurt and at this point, he made up his mind to confront the older. He plans to talk to Mile once they are done with the meeting with everyone else, thinking he'll be able to corner him or just get the older one with him alone.

Another half an hour passed when the meeting was finally done, Bible glanced at Mile who was now talking to Bas, he made sure he had his stuff with him before walking towards Mile, calling the older as he stood near Mile.

Mile seems to not hear him and so Bible decides to tap on the olders shoulder but Mile seems to not feel it or is just blatantly ignoring him. Bible ended up calling out the older once more, this time with a louder voice.


"Oh? Bible, what's up?"


Instead of getting a reply from Mile, it's Bas who notices him. Tears start welling up in his eyes, he looks down at the floor as he squeezes his hands, he doesn't understand why Mile is ignoring him.

Apo has been sitting next to Mile and saw everything happening, he furrows his eyebrows as Mile ignores Bible, his hands clenching, ready to teach the older a lesson, but decides to wait and see what will happen.

The moment Bible's eyes start tearing up and his lips turn into a pout, Apo jumps up on his feet and immediately brings Bible into his arms, the younger letting out a sob as Apo hugs him. Apo smacks Mile in the back of the head before then glaring at the older.

Mile was about to complain to Apo but realizing that he was holding Bible, Mile was caught off guard, he stood and went near them before asking what happened only to receive a glare from Apo.

"W-What happened?? Did something happen?"

"Why don't you ask yourself? You've been ignoring him and now you're asking why?"

"I didn't ignore him!"

"Shut up!"

"Po, let me talk to him"



Apo gently cups Bible's face and softly asks if Bible wants to talk to Mile, the younger nodded and Apo reminds him that he'll just be outside if Bible needs him and to tell him if Mile hurts him or makes him cry, as he's ready to beat Mile.

Once Apo said his piece to Bible, he ushers the rest to head out, leaving Mile and Bible alone in the room. Mile neared Bible, who was looking down at the floor, he looked like a sad bunny.

"Do you hate me, Phi?"

"What? God, no. How could I ever hate you?"

"But... but... you've been ignoring me..."

"Oh, Bible..."

"I thought you hated me"

Mile can't help but bring the younger to his arms, he sighs before he starts explaining why he's been acting like that for the past few days, apologizing to the younger as he gently rubs Bible's back.

Bible can't stay mad or sad at Mile for a long time, especially when the older apologizes to him and explains. Tears stop flowing down his cheeks but he lets himself in the warmth of Mile's arms, thinking about what he could do to Apo for making Mile overthink and ignore him.

Bible circles his arms around Mile's waist, his face burrowed onto the older's neck and he can't help but inhale. Mile's scent and warmth are calming and Bible doesn't want to move away.

The two ended up staying in the room longer than planned, just cuddling up to each other and making up for the time they weren't near each other. Their hearts skipped a beat but that's a topic of discussion for next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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