Chapter 16: Rocky

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"Please turn around, girls," I said.

As Monica and Diana comprehended what I told them, they turned around and stood facing the door.

I slid off the bed, and Sarah after me. I quickly picked up the pant from the floor and wore them. Sarah took the bra from beneath her and wore it. Then while I walked to the study table, she picked up her dress that rested at the edge of the table and began wearing it.

I put the t-shirt on, and Sarah was also ready in her dress.

"You can turn back to us, girls," I said.

Sarah stood up from the bed. "You fucking---" Sarah broke into a laugh.

Monica, Diana, and I stood looking at her in wonder.

"What was that?" I asked, laughing.

"I was trying to get angry with you."

"That was completely whack," said Monica, smiling.

"I knew this would happen," said Diana, smiling. "She's not good at acting. I know that very well."

"I feel like you are doubting my skills, girl,"

"Indeed. I'm doubting your acting skill," said Diana.

"I can do it," said Sarah. "I can do it," she screamed as if she was angry. Her face turned red as if she was actually angry now.

I stood quiet, looking at her.

She turned to me, and said in a loud voice, "You fucking asshole. I want you to leave right now."

"I'm not leaving. I came here with you because you promised me you will give me what I want."

"I wanted to spend some good time with you," said Sarah. "That's all. I didn't want to have intercourse with you."

"You guys did though," said Monica, laughing.

"Don't make me laugh, Mon," said Sarah, trying not to laugh. Before her smile could turn into a laugh, she screamed, "Leave here, I said." She picked up the pillow from the bed and threw it at me.

I caught it.

I turned to Monica, and said, "I will push you both out of the room. Please forgive me for that, and make sure to balance yourselves. Please don't fall. I don't want to hurt you."

"Got you! I'm ready," said Monica.

"I'm also ready," said Diana.

"Sounds great!"

I threw the pillow on the floor and walked past them. I opened the door, and shouted, standing at the door, "I want both of you out of this room."

Monica and Diana kept standing in their places inside the room.

I pulled them out one by one and pushed them to the balustrade so that they could support themselves against it and prevent themselves from falling.

As they stood holding the balustrade, I screamed, "Don't dare to come inside the room to ruin our lives."

"She doesn't want to be with you anymore," shouted Diana.

"Go to hell, and let me decide," I said. "She's my girlfriend."

"You're fucking asshole," said Monica.

Slowly, one by one, every head turned to us, and the sound of TV faded out.

"You---" I said through greeted teeth, pointing my finger at her.

Sarah rushed to me and pushed me out of the room.

I stumbled out of the room and held the edge of the balustrade.

"I don't want you as my boyfriend. You are fucking asshole. You are not worthy enough to hold my hand for a lifetime," said Sarah.

"I'm leaving right now, but I will see you," I said. "I will ruin your life. You will never be able to play with anyone's feelings. I will make sure you get punished for playing with my feelings."

Everyone stood staring at me as I rushed down the stairs and then to the door in the living room. I slammed the door behind me so that everyone present in the house, especially Danny, could feel I was undoubtedly angry with Sarah.

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