Chapter 18: Danny

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It was unbelievable. I mean I never saw the boy, who just left the house, with Sarah before. I saw them fighting with my very own eyes, and the quarrel between them looked not only serious but also real. Yet, when I was thinking to go after him to involve him in the plan to punish Sarah, I was having mixed signals. As soon as I was deciding to step forward, my senses were telling me not to as if I were about to put my foot in a trap.

However, I also knew somewhere inside me that this could be real because something similar happened to me when I was in a relationship with Sarah. She was always going against me. She always wanted to do what she wanted. She was never doing what I was telling her to do. I was sure Sarah was the issue even now, and she was the one to trigger that boy's rage.

Finally, I decided to go after him.

"Excuse me. I just realized I have to visit one of my friends nearby," I said to Estella, the girl standing next to me who was Monica's friend.

"That's fine. Drive safe and take care," she said. "See you later!"

"See you!"

Without any delay, I walked out of the house.

* * *

I stood on the footpath. I looked around to find that boy, but I couldn't find him.

"Please, please, please," I said, looking around. "I need you, man. Where the fuck did you disappear?"

I wished I find him sooner. I didn't know where he came from. I didn't know if he came here by bus or car or with a friend of his or with Sarah. Actually, I didn't find Sarah's car anywhere around, so he had to come here by himself or with someone. I needed to reach him sooner to involve him in the plan.

Of course, I knew it was risky. But I had to take this risk to join him. After all, I was ready to offer him plenty of money. As I knew I had only two options. Whether I had to keep standing there wishing to find him around, or I had to start visiting some nearby stores and restaurants to find him somewhere inside a store or restaurant.

After considering for about a minute more when I still didn't see him anywhere around, I finally decided to start visiting the nearby businesses.

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