Chapter 19: Rocky

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I didn't know much about Danny. However, based on what I heard about him, it was easy to comprehend he was a villain in not only Sarah's life but also Monica and Diana's. I had to help Diana to protect her beloved brother from Danny.

I wondered how someone could go this far only to get a girl who doesn't want to be with him. I mean why boys don't understand that if a girl leaves him alone, he can find someone else? Why does it hurt their ego? Why don't they understand it's easy to get a new girl when the first one leaves him instead of ruining her life and continuing his life making even more beautiful memories with his new girlfriend? Why the fuck they don't understand this?

I know Rocky is not the first one. There are many like him who enjoy destroying girls' lives, throwing acid on them, rapping them, and murdering them. Seriously, when I hear these types of news, I shatter. I don't understand where these fucking men come from. Men with empty minds.

Anyway. Back to Danny. I wanted to see how desperate he was getting to find me. That is the only reason I stayed hidden in a grocery store across the house. Pretending to look at the products to stop the store employee or owner or whoever he was from doubting me, I had kept my eyes on Danny. I was looking at him through the glass. He was getting impatient to meet me. It was shocking how wicked he was that he wanted to find me ASAP not to make someone's life beautiful but to destroy it.

I saw him walking straight to the right as he saw a pizzeria at the corner of the street. He proceeded toward the pizzeria ... that's where I also first decided to visit.

He disappeared in the distance. I remained standing in the store, looking at some products like soda, chips, ponchos, and whatnot.

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