Chapter 26: Sarah

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Everything happens for a reason. I brought Rocky with me to the party to have some quality time with him and also to get to know him. I didn't think even for a second that it would bring us this close only in a few hours. I think what brought us closer was Diana's incident. At first, Rocky seemed like a shy, reserved guy. Yet, as he said, he indeed needed some socializing life to boost his energy and improve his talking skills. And I think this party gave him almost everything he wanted, presenting him with the greatest risk of faking a fight with me to find out Danny's plan to protect Diana's brother and me from Danny.

I was sure now that Rocky possessed true feelings of love for me somewhere inside his heart, or should I say his heart was full of love for me. Whatever it was, I was happy to be in his arms. It made me feel the warmth I never felt before in anybody's hug. While being in his hug, I felt our souls become one as I felt his heart beating as if he was having the satisfaction of having me in his arms as if he believed he had won me. And if he was feeling that, then he was absolutely right. Actually, no. He was somewhat right. Indeed, I wanted him now ... badly, just like he wanted to have me in his life. Yet, I needed to clear the matter of the rumor I heard from my mom who heard it from Mrs. Rodriguez.

It seemed like he didn't want to end the hug, and so did I. However when we heard Monica and Diana coughing, we returned to our senses. I knew they did it intentionally, so I looked down at Rocky's feet, blushing. Rocky also blushed and smiled, looking at me and then up, taking a deep breath.

"Can we talk about the main thing if you guys are done appreciating each other's feelings and feeling proud of the acting?" asked Monica.

"I'm sorry," I said, instantly as I realized it was a serious topic, not something entertaining to waste time on, looking at Monica. I shifted my look back to Rocky, and asked him, "What did you find?"

Rocky looked at Diana, and then at me. His lips fluttered as if he tried to say something.

"What is it?" I asked him. "Is there anything serious?"

Rocky looked at Diana again.

"It seems like it's something related to me," said Diana. "He keeps looking at me."

Monica and Diana looked at her in shock.

"Is she right?" I asked. "Is it about her brother?"

"Is he all right?" asked Diana, swiftly walking a few steps forward toward Rocky.

"He's fine," said Rocky, quickly, as if he didn't want to panic her. "But---"

"But what?" Diana and I asked in unison.

All the while, Monica kept hearing the conversation perhaps in surprise or eagerly waiting to hear what Rocky had found out from Danny.

"What is it?" I asked again, slightly raising my voice.

He fixed his look on me. He didn't dare to lock his eyes with me though. He looked at my nose and then down, and said, "Diana's brother is involved in this plan with Danny."

"What?" Monica, Diana, and I said in unison as we didn't believe what he just had said.

"What do you mean he's involved in this plan with Rocky?"

"You rejected him when he tried to express his feelings to you," said Rocky. "So, enraged, he decided to teach you a lesson, making a plan with Danny."

"What type of plan?" I asked.

"To spread his news of kidnapping to Diana so that she could help Danny to get you to his home where they can hurt you."

Diana walked to Rocky and grabbed him by the collar. "Tell me you're lying."

I understood Diana's fury was absolutely valid. After all, she loved his brother more than anyone else. Then how is it possible he could do something this evil with the best friend of his sister? Also, I didn't want to believe Rocky because I met Jerry many times before, and I never felt he could do something like this. He was always a nice, kind, and caring guy.

"I understand your feelings," said Rocky. "Yet, I'm just saying what I have heard from Danny."

"No, you're lying," said Diana, clutching his collar tightly.

"It's possible Danny lied," said Rocky. "However, there is only one way to find out about it."

"What is it?" asked Diana.

"He told me to wait for his message," said Rocky.

"Once I receive his message, I need to reach his house with Sarah where your brother will also be available."

"Kidnapped, not involved with him," said Diana through greeted teeth.

"Sarah will keep her call on with you so that you can hear our conversation with Danny."

"I think we should follow what he's saying," said Monica. "I believe his plan will help us reveal Danny's wickedness and Jerry's innocence."

"I agree with Monica," I said quickly to assure Diana that his brother is kind and can't do anything this wicked.

"I also agree with them," said Rocky.

Diana finally ceased the grip on Rocky's collar. "My brother is innocent," she said, her glower locked at Rocky.

"I know," said Rocky as if he didn't want to infuriate Diana again, hurting her feelings.

Now a complete silence fell as we all stood caring almost the same feelings of doubt, hesitation, shock, and surprise, except Diana who carried a feeling of anger as she was upset hearing about Jerry.

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