Capitolo 15

130 16 4

Canzoni per il capitolo:

-Rolling In the deep, Adele.

-I really like you, Carly Rae Jepsen

Il giorno dopo non riuscivo a svegliarmi, il sole mi accecava ma il pensiero delle labbra di Harry sulle mie mi faceva venire voglia di alzarmi e raggiungerlo in una frazione di secondo. Piano piano aprii gli occhi, presi il telefono e gli scrissi.

Mad: Hei babee.❤️

La risposta non tardò ad arrivare.

Harry: Lo sai che stavo per scriverti??

Mad: Sei stata la prima cosa a cui ho pensatooo

Harry: mi dispiace, ma io ho pensato prima alla Nutella...

Mad: oh

Harry: dai piccola scherzo!


Harry: non sei divertente.

Mad: non dovremmo prepararci per andare a scuola?

Harry: preparati, ma non per andare a scuola, oggi saltiamo ;)

Mad: e dove andiamo? :)

Harry: sorpresa, ti vengo a prendere tra un'ora...ciao principessa

Mad: ciao principe azzurro.

Mi andai a preparare, misi la musica e mi feci la doccia cantando.

I really wanna stop
But I just gotta taste for it
I feel like I could fly with the ball on the moon
So honey hold my hand you like making me wait for it
I feel I could die walking up to the room, oh yeah

Late night watching television
But how we get in this position?
It's way too soon, I know this isn't love
But I need to tell you something

I really really really really really really like you
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?
I really really really really really really like you
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?

Oh, did I say too much?
I'm so in my head
When we're out of touch
I really really really really really really like you
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?

It's like everything you say is a sweet revelation
All I wanna do is get into your head
Yeah we could stay alone, you and me, and this temptation
Sipping on your lips, hanging on by thread, baby

Late night watching television
But how we get in this position?
It's way too soon, I know this isn't love
But I need to tell you something

I really really really really really really like you
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?
I really really really really really really like you
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?

Oh, did I say too much?
I'm so in my head
When we're out of touch
I really really really really really really like you
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?

Who gave you eyes like that?
Said you could keep them
I don't know how to act
The way I should be leaving
I'm running out of time
Going out of my mind
I need to tell you something
Yeah, I need to tell you something.

I really like you | H.S. [slow update]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora