I was making love to myself I was first cycling my own breast my left breast for that matter it felt so good and so satisfying that I wanted to run it up playing with myself I know this is a little risqué and very NSFW but I was so wanting myself and I wanted nothing more to make love to myself. That was how I ended up finding out that I was auto romantic in the first place was circling my own breasts in the first place and I want to make love to my cell phone in there same thing today I just wanted to make love to myself. I first started fingering my special areas in my woman hard and then I stuck one of my ass and I was just going by the rhythm of my fingers as I was making love to myself and circling my brass and that being said I wanted more of me and I said I was disappointed I just wanted to and I still grab at myself thinking of us. Making me make love to myself as I wake up in the middle of the night so that's really in the world and I love it so much. I have never thought about this until I was like 32 years old which is my current age right now and I found a Rosato sexual I want to make love to me as much as possible. That's why I wrote this selfie series to tell you what goes on in my head during the 10 day time when I have to make love to myself but I can't or when I want to make nudes and I can't. It's so frustrating the daytime when you want to make love yourself but you can't do that. But anytime That the skies are the limit at night time I can do what I want either stick a finger up my butt or a little whore and make me moan as I suck all my left breast is just wonderful to feel this way it's not anything sick or disturbing it's just so the way it is it's a celebration of a love to yourself. That is it I love to yourself and I generally love like if it's between two people or by yourself it should be celebrated as such just love. I have made love to myself quite some time with you tonight I wanted to be more special and I still am playing around as I write about this.
At some point in my life I might consider or might not consider well merry myself. There are special ceremonies where you can marry Rachelle but I decide I'm gonna go and buy some wedding rings off of Amazon I have and hold my own damn ceremony without having to pay a goddamn sand because I'm too damn poor. But I want to know to myself that I love myself and then I wouldn't give myself anyone else but myself. Why don't I want to marry myself it's not because of my soul my ear always right Gaia Vandy or anyone it's just I want this for me to be in love with me. To show that I want to be with myself and only worse myself one the night time comes and I do my thing.
The selfie box that I wrote address is showing the daytime is murder on me I just am so horny in the daytime and wanting to play and make love that I cannot but I cannot do it without getting in trouble. So I end up writing about it on vent the app vent, is a good app if you want to collect your thoughts and turn them into a book all you have to do is collect all your thoughts turn them into a book by putting them in white pad or notes section and the way you go you're done. You have made a book and now you just have to go and what turn it into a PDF and then after that you turn it into a Call book where are you actually go and turn into an e-book and then just go from there either on Amazon Kindle direct publishing or draft 2 digital...... and then Mumy make my money with thoughts and you never thought you would think about making money of thoughts but you have to copy from the event app and then put it on to Wattpad and then the note section and you're on your way to being an author about your thoughts that's why I do what I do on vans I won't be venting NSFW stuff anymore because I am done with the selfie stuff but I will be talking about stuff in general like my thoughts on life and my thoughts on how I go about life my rhetoric and everything else in that matter I don't believe that thoughts should be kept yourself sometimes sometime is it should be mentioned if it's something good or something not so good that needs to be addressed in the world. That being said I also have the vent app have written nothing but I use it like Twitter where I Royalvale NSFW stuff or I write about anything that's on my friggin mind. My mind is messy so are used land.
You can worry about anything on rent as long as it's within the law you don't have to write about perverted things like in Sasser shit that will get you you kicked off the vent or anything that'll get you in trouble with the law just keep it within the line you'll be fine don't worry about hateful shit no cyber bully people and do not worry about perverted stuff and you're fine there you can write NSFW like I have and make a book out of it like I have plenty of times one says the name JV story and then the other one was the one I was is right now how was bored staffing model right about my desires of the things that I go through during the daytime that piss me off. That being said I'll be doing more of what pisses me off what makes me happy or makes me sad instead address NSFW from now on I'm actually gonna be writing about goings on in my life. And then also going on in my life. Like if I want to write about the two weeks from now or a week from now my birthday is coming up. I cannot wait for that to come that's one of my favourite days other than Halloween or Christmas. Why my birthday when I was not because I'm getting closer to death I don't really give two shits about the game Grim Reaper he gets nothing more than two middle fingers from me and same thing with the coroner but I do believe and celebrating the day that you were born on and getting shit for it shit meaning gifts. I believe that you should get gifts as well as presents and everything else on your birthday yes I am a big kid at heart even though I do I don't things to myself I am an adult but I am I A giant turn year-old at some points in my days when I have a very good day I'm no older than 10 years old I am enjoying my life I enjoyed shit and I do stuff that I want to why are you always say that I'm now I 33 going on ten. Because I can do anything I want with an alarm don't have to go to school I don't have to do math or anything else for that matter I know I sound childish now but I don't have to go to recess I don't have to go to a classroom and go berserk. One of the names I was called in school and was at one point the berserker because I or the spaz out or the retard were either one I didn't like. Because of my PTSD and the fact that I had to be on Ridellan. When I'm an adult I can be a 10 year old and a candy store and not have to worry about the school aspect or restraints that kids have to go through like you can't post stupid stuff or you can't do things that adults can do but you can but you're more free than anything else so you're like a kid in a Candy store near an adult which is something I enjoy better than being a kid I think people have it the other way around that you have more responsibilities as an adult but that ain't true I don't find it I think you do have responsibilities as adults what was legal and personal responsibilities but not your side you have a responsibility to love yourself and treat yourself with respect and kindness and everything else and you act like a kid in a candy store within the law. That is what I think I don't believe that people have to be completely responsible as an adult yes you do when it comes to alcohol and smoking you have to be very careful and take it in moderation I wouldn't consider even doing alcohol or smoking or part that's just who I am I believe and that I should just enjoy life chemical free even though I have to still take fucking medication. That being said I don't like being on medication I can't stand it and the only alcoholic beverages that I go near and I don't even swallow is that nasty mouthwash that taste like a woman's womanhood or a piece of tuna either way it was god awful and they say it's grape more like rape. It's like rape in your mouth this mouthwash you don't want it but you had end up having it anyway and a taste so god awful it probably could kill the COVID-19 virus right away it is so god-awful if you had Covid and you had a swish that shit in your mouth you would be Covid free right away I would guarantee you one on hundred percent that grape flavoured shit is nasty. I don't know how many times I woke up in the middle of the night smelling my own breath and thinking that this mouthwash is making it even worse one time my mouth smell like decomposition RD comp and it was so gone awful that I had to go what the hell was going on with my mouth kind of thing and clean out my mouth with a drink that doesn't involve grape grape is not the best for some people might like grape but I think they're fucking weird what does beside the point of texting many kinds to do a world takes auto Romantics read me heterosexuals your name much people like grape flavoured shit you know it takes all kinds to make a world so I have to respect the fact that there are some grape. That being said I don't believe that I should be drinking grape or tasting grape stuff unless it's actual grape I don't believe in drinking grape juice that is sweetened and artificial or official tasting grape I have ate grapes before and have enjoyed them when I was on mania vacation mostly on cruises I was just nibble that way add a grave or a whiner grapes and be done with it the white ones are better than the red ones I mean. I like even nonalcoholic white wine which is also if it's non-alcoholic I will drink it and non-toxic of course I'll drink anything your surprise it doesn't taste like fake grape that's just the way I am. I'll tell you right now that I have been all over the world first we went to resorts like in the Dominican republic Margarito Venezuela and also Cuba but then we ended up going to Greece turkey roads then and going to different places in Europe through cruises and I have seen North Africa and seen my first mosque as well as I have seen Miami or are waiting for a cruise ship it was pretty fun and I discovered manga manga meaning the Japanese comic book style book in my in Miami I also have a lot of fun in Miami and more able to read more in peace in Miami. In Miami I have written read I mean 1000 page book in one day because it is so relaxing there I know some people bitch about the crime and stuff but I would move over there in a heartbeat to be in Miami but my places in Canada when I go to Miami again just to stretch the brain or relax. That being said every time I go to Miami I have read things like pillars of the Earth and other things like that that have been heavy duty works and I read them within a day. I also tried to be vegan one time in Miami and on a cruise ship. It was a lot easier than it would be nowadays. I am a very good people I met very good friends who were on my first Facebook at one point but as I said I've been dealing with a lot of assholes over the years that they kind of disappeared and I had to make a new Facebook they probably wouldn't remember me like she now wouldn't remember me from Thailand Maria doesn't stop me from making friends on Penn power world even though I have some problems or sometimes still make friends on Penn power all and I make friends whenever possible now from other places of the world and not have to worry about the hassle travel I have enjoyed my travels With my parents one of them has been particularly interesting and I was the one of Vanessa I was pretty good and I discovered Dantes inferno I read Dantes inferno ever since until the damn book fell apart and that kind of pissed me off. So that's how I became a nerd and sci-fi and hi fantasy not yeah I like high fantasy sometimes like Game of Thrones like things I would watch the show Game of Thrones but I would want to read high fantasy as well as dark fantasy and animal fantasy what's it has been established when I was a kid. I read dark fantasy and during my travels I have written poems in my travels and nearly had them published I have had other shit that have come up my way like I had have had gambled on a slot machine one astronomical amount of money and I have to make my mother and my grandmother here I was my grandmother love the slot machines when she was alive my mother didn't mind them either but I've kept eating up my mothers money saying I need five bucks to go and gamble it's not like I have an addiction I just like it's spitting money out in my goddamn face. I think one time I got $1000 on one cruising that was the Brazil cruise in the Amazon cruise which was pretty cool I want enough to buy a few books and a telescope telescope are used couple of times before my house flooded. After that I have never seen that telescope ever again I think the people who were restoring the house took it along with my healing crystals my original healing crystals. Either way I'm pissed off that I don't have a telescope or crystals I have to buy them and re-buy them I can't buy a telescope because they cost versus amount of money and there's no casinos where I live very aggravating. The one thing I call money is the fun factor or the funny factor because it's not that funny at all once you see the size of the price tag is it all this thing looks so beautiful or you this book looks so good and you look at the prices are son of a bitch so you can imagine what I would start swearing if I ended up trying to find a telescope there's no point in replacing it.
How old is I make the same amount of money as I do from slot machines as I do from chores and our jobs around the house and going to summer camp and other fun stuff I don't want it it's actually fun to go and do these things like pick up somebody's dinky cars or play Wes or clean up their toys it's a group home or I end up shovelling the snow or sweeping. I enjoy doing chores because I know was coming towards me tattoo money and then in the summer months I do chores and I also go to summer camp and I see Luke and I am paid for this didn't have to be paid to see Luke because he's one of my friends but anyway what the hell if I can make a buck off some thing I will on making a friend or being with a friend and being paid for it oh that's a real win-win because you're back with your best friend and you're also able to get money for being around people it's wonderful and doing odd jobs around the camp as well it's very interesting. I cannot wait for the summer months because not only will Covid be fucked off I hope if there is mob immunity or if there the weather killing off for the year and we can go to summer camp. Why do I say summer camp I'm an adult but I work at the summer camp and Luke goes there for fun I go there for fun and funny factor funny factor meaning money. So there's always a perk towards something when I'm around my house or around my friends there's always perks I'm around my friends and I paid money and I enjoy my life get paid money for that I don't see chores like I did when I was like 21 years old I find them fun actually to do a chore and do as you're told even though you're 30 some years old trying to try it it's actually gonna be fun if you look at it in a different light think about it. It all depends on the way you look at things. And in this case I see chores and jobs around the house as tattoos and I enjoy tattoos they don't hurt worse a pinch of fuck. The last time tour I had the first swear I Waterman with you I hardly felt jack shit didn't feel anything I thought I was a fucking zombie or strigoi me on dad but that's just my way I was made the way I was just like I was made to be auto romantic and auto shack so I don't have a pain tolerance I never had any kind of pain in my life except for emotional pain it's not that I seek out physical pain because there's no point in it because I don't feel it I feel strength and resistance and endurance when I do half the stuff like shovelling snow I don't feel back pain I don't feel pain in tattoos I had a piercing kit one time from Amazon never felt jack shit when doing the piercings I just did Antoine sort out the other and then I was and where is your son was talking to me in one hour out the other nobody nobody got hurt. Noreen I heard either and I didn't even bleed when I was piercing myself to get like a leper angora nose ring out of there was never any blood if anything snot or spit but that was worse expected the workers were afraid of me paralyzing half my face because it in the mouth reading their Izzy's nerves and range that can be a pain in the ass if you clip one of them you could actually bleed to death or paralyze half your face but then again you can paralyze your face by being in the winter cold as well trying to get the mail so I don't have to wiggle your face free but if you paralyze half your face by nicking a nerve you can't really wiggle your face free from that you're screwed so I stop piercing and now I've gone to tattoos and knees still I feel no fucking pain. It's just the way I am I don't have pain sensation I have a very high pain tolerance that of a ninth-degree black belt so that being said don't even bother trying to make me hurt. I can egg for a coffee or a cake for my own touch but I will never feel actual physical pain because my tolerance level is so high. That doesn't mean that I have to do deviant and things like BDSM shit like that I don't do that because that is deviant. Which gets me onto the next chapter what the fuck is really normal because these people half normal people do BDSM or read about BDSM or domination and submission and talking and stuff is really stupid and I really think who the fuck is really nuts I'll Telya it's not the kid in the wheelchair at it ain't the girl with PTSD because I'll Telya I am interested in hurting myself I can't no wheelchair is it going to hurt him self either for kicks or someone else's Kik so don't even bother with BDSM it's a deviant thing.
Loving me forever | book 2 of autosexual confessional ✔️
Non-FictionThis is the continuation of the book "confessions of a autosexual" this delves deep in my life and how I live this life. This you will see what being autoromantic/ autosexual really means. To actually love your self. This tells more of my sto...