Nearly in the slammer again

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Now this is really fucked up and I really wish someone's mother particular a man's mother wouldn't blow a gasket over me being LGBTQ at the time but I realized at the time I was somewhat LGBTQ and that I had to be on my own to think about and reevaluate things and stuff it seems like he was able to Except it but then he went right to mommy and started screaming and crying like the baby Lala he is and he ended up telling his mother about a probably about Tess saying what she was going to say in the first place which was a fucking J word I hate so much. I am not even gonna mention that word anymore because it's just a struggle to deal with that word anyways it is I can't stand that weren't even as I am part arab, tibetan and white to,  whatever I still can't stand that fucking word.   The fact that Tish said that J word that's what fucked everything up for me because I could've been just going flying on your mommy's radar and just going LGBTQ in peace until I found out what the fuck she was really thinking about doing to me she was going to have either put into Guantánamo Bay or prison either way an orange jumpsuit I was not too happy about after breaking up with her freak ass son.
Boy if he only knew what he was up to half the time that he was banging teachers and banging other girls and probably he must have diseases go Lau and that would make a bat look like a clean motherfucker it was just disturbing that she would take his side and say well You should not talk to my son for fear of Guantánamo Bay because my idiot friend said the J word and I really tell you I hate that J world with a passion if you know what that word is you probably know what I'm talking about if you know if you watch the fucking news with Isil and al qeada know what word I'm fucking talking about I really hate that word fact that word has been there in the first place rising star for even mad. And the fact that I was pegged the terrorist when I was just trying to be LGBTQ I had to find another way to strip start flying right and going the right way in life not straight but just trying to hide my identity for a while until I was able to figure out who the fuck I am and who the fuck I was hanging out with in the first place I was fucking up my life.
And I decided to cut Tish out and call her a terrorist right left and the centre because she was what she was saying in the fucking first place that Jay where he don't say that word as if it's Halloween candy after 911 he just don't do that and then ruin your friend's sex life. That's basically how it went down and how was I going to tell my fucking mother that cheers to the J word so I did not enjoy being in grade 12 either I had two years of this bullshit of grade 12 one the second year a grade 12 came about that's why I'm not part started a boil and I work myself up and Custer out of my life right left in the centre and scaring her threatening or with everything under the sun I still remember her crying in the corner all day in that same damn classroom because she deserved it and I kept hearing the kid saying dude you scared that girl you dude you scared of the terrorist girl. Yeah well she had it coming that time for my little advantage because it was beginning to piss me off that she was saying things like the J word and other horseshit like one time she said that she was gonna shoot someone in the head with an AK 47 something I was not very pleasantly surprised with and I told her I was not tickling she said all that guy is a bastard well I don't care if he's a bastard you don't say that.
She had to be put in her place one day because she was going to go nuts I think she was going to be the next bin Laden and I think she is it's very easy to think that way when she throws around these words like AK-47 jihad another shit that I I'm sorry I mention that word but that's what it is it's offensive to me it's offensive to anyone else who's human non-Muslim or non-and the fact that I got paid and nearly ended up in the slammer one it should've been her that really riled me up to no end.
My mother would have a fit saying that I said the J word right now but I know it had to be sad because it's a symbolic thing to say because it was what she kept throwing around as if it was fucking Halloween candy. You don't know what I was like in high school I had to literally earn my respect through intimidation by scaring this girl And a couple of other people I wasn't too particular enthused about either is it gonna be people that she was with that were horrible people a Stephanie Duvall she was a real winner and other shitheads like that oh well I know you're not calling that the two of these idiots the Taliban.   I am sorry for throwing these words out like Halloween candy as well but that is basically what what she was goes around comes around if you think you wanna say these things in front of me I wanna throw them around right back after ya I'm not proud of it but that's what it is. I intimidate you if you think you can make a mockery out of my ancestry and make a mockery out of the victims of 9/11 that's basically the size of Archie don't do this kind of thing in front of me without getting a punch in the face repeatedly. I was starting to get very aggravated and I was starting to think that high school was a royal shit show and I still think it is a royal shit show to this day.
When I come back and think about the days of  high school I just think well it was just where it was a real shit show BM everywhere and will shit everywhere and shit all kinds of shit everywhere hit the fan instead of it is not fun I'm sorry for being so graphic.

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