Regarding ships (And a sneak peek)

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Just a little note on ships in this story. They will be present, but they'll take a large background role as more of a motivation to survive. Unlike Shades, I feel like I'll be able to integrate ships into this story without them being done wrong. That being said, what ships will be present in this story?

Izumomo ✓
Todozumi ✓
Bakushouka ✓
Kamijirou ✓
Kirimina ✓

These are the ships that will 100% be present at some point in this story. I've chosen these ones since I feel they'll work best in the context of the story and work well to give character growth.

Now, to answer some questions before they're ever asked.

1. Why not (Insert Ship here) instead? I think it would work better.

Firstly, my book my rules, and second, I choose the ships because I think they'll work best from a storytelling perspective.

2. How does (Insert ship here) play any role in the story?

You'll see when I get to the interim between Internships and the Training Camp since I'll be giving each ship a chapter dedicated to exposition and how it effects the characters.

3. No (Insert abusive ship such as Bakudeku)!?

I have ZERO tolerance for ships like that since they're unhealthy and promote terrible things. Go to Ao3 if you wanna read abuse fics and stay off my page.

4. Will this have Lemon, or will it be fluff ships?

I have zero intention of writing lemon for the mentioned ships as they're all of minors (Age of consent in Wyoming is 18). I'll do my best to write romance, but don't expect it to be the best. And I might dedicate a chapter to fluff.

“15 minutes before all of you were captured? And All Might claims that you’re among the best of the best for your generation. Listen here and listen good. As a Pro Hero, it’s my job to protect the innocent no matter the cost. As a teacher, it’s my job to train you to be the best you can be. This world is dangerous. It’s filled with villains who wouldn’t give a second though before turning you into a red stain on the pavement. A disaster could happen at any moment and you would need to respond in seconds. Things you can’t even comprehend could occur before your very eyes and you’ll need to asses the situation and act as fast as possible. You have 2 weeks before the U.A Enterance Exam. I intend to turn you from mere hatchlings into the best heroes you can be. You’re next lesson will happen at any time between 11 PM and 3 M on any given day. Prepare.

With no further words, The hopefulls restraints were undone as Aizawa faded into the darkness of the forest. The group remained silent for a good minute before Shoto Todoroki broke the silence.


Next chapter should be out Saturday Sincerely, Chilled Eons

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