Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Lan Wangji's Memories (Part 2)

Lan Wangji flew above the trees. Riding his infamous Bichen to immediately cast assistance to Yunmeng Jiang Clan.

In the shadows, he single handedly fought against the incoming troops despite his leg injury.

His main target of this assassination is Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu.

The two did not expect the attack. Wen Chao was not a prominent cultivator. Thus Lan Wangji was able to easily take his life.

Soon more Wens fell down on the groud and laid unconscious. Wen Zhuliu was baffled, staring wide eyed at his master's corpse.

Even Madam Yu was bewildered upon witnessing their deaths. Regardless, she continued to fight and defend her home.

At the loss of their leader, the Wen cultivators did not know what to do. They scattered and eventually, they got killed. Others managed to escape, but not for long as the man in dark robes awaited their arrival.

Only Wen Zhuliu managed to survive and fought fiercely against him. He was recognized.

They battled for awhile and finally, Lan Wangji was able to pierce Bichen through his opponent's heart.

and in return,

Wen Zhuliu melted his core.

nonetheless, Lan Wangji succeeded.


For three months, Lan Wangji often visited the burial mounds to cultivate the ghost way at the same time, to be able to cleanse the place for the incoming events.

Just like Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji is a genius as well. Therefore, he managed to gain control over his new ability in that short period of time.

Now here he was, hiding in the darkness, donned in pitch black robes. Waiting for the right time to strike at the very person who played with the Yin Iron.

Wen Ruohan.

However, he could not find the right timing. Because the sunshot campaign had finally started and the clan was already outside the building.

He watched as the Sect Leader opened the doors and control the Yin Iron.

While they were busy, Lan Wangji stepped out and stabbed Wen Ruohan from the back using the sword he got from the Xuanwu of Slaughter.

As for the fierce corpse, Lan Wangji commanded them into killing each other with the use of his Guqin that was now surrounded with resentful energy.


The day before the meeting in the Golden Carp Tower, Lan Wangji already set off on a journey to Qiongqi Path despite his brother's and uncle's protests.

His use of demonic cultivation had already began to surface within prominent clans. No matter how much his Clan tries to defend him, his reputation is bad enough.

He tried to have a civil talk with the Jin clan cultivators to avoid bloodshed, however none of them agreed in releasing the poor victims.

Demonic Cultivation not only it affects one's physical state, but it also affects the mind of the user.

Lan Wangji was no exception.

Therefore, when he found out about the death of Wen Ning, he got livid and slaughtered them.

Soon he brought the victims to the burial mounds. Just like what Wei Wuxian would do.


"Lan Zhan, how long will you stay here?" Wei Wuxian asked, looking at the people who worked for their living.

Lan Wangji looked down on his lap and played with his fingers, refusing to answer the question.

After a while of silence, Wei Wuxian grinned and hurriedly stood up. The man in white robes watched him talk to a toddler.

"A-yuan, to be able to grow taller like Xian-gege you must be watered and have some sunlight! Isn't that right Lan Zhan?"

Lan Wangji glanced at the toddler who was already buried under the pile of dirt with only his head sticking out.




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