The vendetta

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Wolf is driving down the street in his sexy black car. He's decided to bring it along so he can find Kim faster.

As he's cruising along, however, he notices that no one seems to even recognize the car anymore, since he hasn't used it in a while. The perfect disguise.

After about an hour of mindlessly wandering the streets of Los Angeles, he finally spots his target.

He screeches the car to a halt, right next to Kim! He rolls down the window.

"Hey, bitch lady! You're just the psycho I'm looking for!" Wolf chuckles darkly.

"Is that so? You happen to be the one I'm looking for as well, so this works out perfectly." Kim says with a smirk.

"Yes, yes. I know all about you and your little vendetta against me, because I killed your brother." Wolf says.

"If you already know then that makes things easier!" Kim yells, then charges right at Wolf with her katana!

Luckily, Wolf ducks right on time, the blade just barely missing his head.

"Jesus lady, you really are pissed!" Wolf laughs.

"No shit! Now hurry up and get out of your car pussy!" Kim threatens.

"Ugh, fine. If you really want me to kick your ass so badly." Wolf sighs.

Kim just laughs. "You're delusional if you think you can take me on by yourself."

"Oh, I'm well aware of how strong you are. You held your own against both Shark & Piranha by yourself, even knocking Piranha out! In fact, that's why I decided to track you down, to teach you a lesson not to mess with us!" Wolf growls.

"Oh, but what you did to my brother is perfectly okay?!" Kim scowls.

"It's not. If I could take it back I would, believe me. But I doubt you even care about regrets... you just want revenge." Wolf sighs.

"Oh, so the foul beast has a soft side after all? No matter. Even if you feel bad about what you did, it doesn't change the fact that you did it! I'll stop at nothing to finally have your head on a pike!" Kim screams, then runs towards Wolf with her katana reading to chop his head off!

Wolf swiftly dodges it, then charges at Kim, pinning her to the ground. "Are you done?"

"Never! I'll never stop! Now get off me!" Kim yells, trying to get Wolf off. Sadly for her, Wolf is simply much stronger than her, at least physically anyway.

"Not until you promise to leave me and my friends alone!" Wolf retorts.

"I already told you! I'll never stop, and I'll never give up until you're dead! Hell, I might even kill your friends too just to be extra petty." Kim laughs.

"No! No... please. I know I hurt you badly and I can never take that away, but... it had nothing to do with them! Please don't hurt them because of what I did..." Wolf begs, his ears drooping and his mouth frowning.

Kim just scoffs. "Like I care if they are innocent or not. All I ever cared about was my brother! But you took him away!" With a sudden burst of adrenaline, Kim manages to push Wolf off of her.

Wolf flops down on the floor and looks up to see Kim with her sword pointing right at him!

"Finally, my vengeance is about to be fulfilled!" Kim smirks.

However, Wolf quickly gets up and dodges yet another swing from her blade, and bites her on the left shoulder!

"Owwwww!" Kim screams. Blood slowly coming down her shoulder.

Wolf took this as a chance to get into his car and high tail it out of there, not even bothering to look back.

Kim is staggering along the sidewalk, her katana on the ground, and her right hand clasped over her left shoulder. "Filthy mutt... now I'll have to get myself patched up."


Wolf is driving along, speeding through traffic and hurrying home. "Shit... that lady is gonna be tougher to take down than I thought... maybe I'll need help after all."

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