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"I win!"

Tobin can't help but laugh as Sarah dances around the room after having beaten her in the video game they were playing together.

"It's not nice to gloat."

Sarah sticks her tongue out at her aunt and goes back to spinning around.

"Be careful, Sarah." Perry yells out seeing her daughter coming close to bumping into the ottoman.

"Mommy, I beat Aunty Toby again! She's really bad at video games!"

Perry looks over at Tobin with a smile and laughs, "I'm pretty sure your Aunt has been letting you win."

Tobin smiles and shrugs, "Maybe, or maybe Sarah is just better at the game then you are Sis."

Perry chuckles, "She definitely is. I can still beat her and you at bowling though."


"Yeah, Mommy bowling is boring. Racing is where it's at!"

Perry smiles. "Do you think the two of you can behave yourselves long enough so that I can attend a meeting at the school and get some groceries?"

"What's the meeting about?" Tobin sits up and looks over the couch at her.

"I'm on the Parent Council and there's been some staffing changes at the school over the summer. It's a way to meet the new staff before the school year starts, find out if there's anything they need to get acclimated and solidify plans for the back to school assembly. Also, one of the Moms is a pastry chef and she always brings the best treats for us to sample. I shouldn't be too long."

"Don't worry the munchkin and I have some unfinished business on the racetrack and the fridge needs some new artwork."

"Alright. Be good, both of you!" Perry laughs as she puts her jacket on, collects her purse and keys and leaves the house.

Tobin eyes up Sarah, "Rematch?"

Sarah nods and grabs the controller.

Tobin lets out a roar as she finally succeeds in crossing the finish line before Sarah. "I'd say it's cookie time, wouldn't you?"

"Mommy said no cookies before diner."

"Is Mommy here right now or is Aunty Toby in charge?"

Sarah laughs, "Aunty Toby, you're funny."

Tobin stands up, "And I'm also tall enough to reach the cookies." She proceeds to make her way over to the cabinet and secure a couple of cookies for both of them.

When Perry returns home, she finds the two buried in drawings on the kitchen table and has to yell out to get some help with bringing in the groceries and putting them away.

Tobin and Perry make small talk as they work on making the evening meal together.

"How was the meeting?"

"Longer than I expected. Mostly it was discussing how the school, staff and classrooms would lay out this year. I've been tasked with decorating the entrance for back to school on a miniscule budget; I might be raiding Sarah's supplies to make it happen."

"I'm good at that kind of stuff, let me know what I can do to help."

Perry smiles, "Thanks. It's so frustrating to see cuts continue to be made to the school's budget, when most of the teachers are already forced to buy supplies for their classroom and students."

"Being a teacher is definitely a thankless job, much like being a professional soccer player like me. The pays not great but you continue to show up every day because you love your job, the people or in this case children you work with and just do the best you can with limited supports and resources."

"All part of God's plan."

Tobin nods, "I wish that God's plan for me would include someone I could love. I know it's all a test, but it's truly disheartening to see everyone around me with a partner, married, having children and expanding their families whereas its like I'm being punished for being different, you know?"

"What's brought this on?"

Tobin's eyes well up, "I'm not saying I'm ready to have kids or retire, but, being around Sarah the last few days has made me happy in ways that I've never been. I just wish that when I got back from training or travelling someone was there waiting for me."

"Does this mean that you're at the point of considering laying down some roots rather than couch surfing your way through life?"

Tobin smiles and nods, "There's a new bath of condos going up within walking distance to Providence Park. I already looked into them and put a deposit down on one."

"What? Oh my God! That's huge, Tobs; how come you haven't told anyone?"

Tobin shrugs, "Just didn't seem important, I guess. So, how big of an area are we decorating and do you have theme in mind?"

"The theme is back to school."

"Right. I can work with that! So, it's an Elementary School, right?"

"Does Sarah really look like she's in High School?"

"No, but she's got the 'tude down pat. What are the school colours?"

"Green and Gold. They are the Owls."

"Sounds like it's going to be a hoot to decorate the school."

"That comment was enough to make anyone howl in pain."

Tobin bursts out laughing, "Yours was worse."

Perry shrugs and laughs as the two get back to the task at hand. With supper in the oven, they sit at the table and Tobin searches for some owl inspired inspiration.

"So, what exactly is the budget?"

"Let's just say I hope the dollar store has what we need."

"I have physio in the morning, maybe after my appointment I can swing by and check out the options."

"Sounds good, just keep receipts if you buy anything, so I can submit them."

Tobin gives her sister a thumbs up as she falls into the black hole also known as Pinterest. 

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