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The first week of school goes by in a flash and soon Tobin is standing in front of the mirror checking her look before it's time to pick up Sarah from school.

"You look fine, Tobs."

"Are you sure? I mean, I could try the other blue shirt or maybe I should go with the orange one."

"Tobin, Christen isn't going to care which shirt you wear underneath your jacket."

"Right, my bad. She makes me so nervous."

Perry laughs, "Can you just ask her out already? I've heard that teachers are regular people and drink coffee too."

"A coffee date seems a little impersonal don't you think?"

"Tobin, I know that you're hesitant to make that leap after the whole Alex thing, but I'm telling you right now, she's waiting to be asked."

"Please, don't ever mention Alex's name again."

"I'm sorry, I know she misled you."

"I fell in love with a straight girl, who knew and took advantage of it to get things from me and then cast me aside when I was no longer useful to her. That's not something you get over or forget in a minute."

"I know. Remember Katie and I were the ones picking you up off the floor after Alex left you. I'm just trying to tell you that Christen isn't Alex, give her a chance; you're clearly already taken by her and she you, for whatever reason."


Perry laughs, "Better get a move on or you're going to be late."

Tobin looks at the time and fixes her collar before pulling her jacket on and making the walk to the school in time for the dismissal bell to ring.

When she arrives, the children are out running around the yard, so she stands and waits at the fence with some of the other parents. She hears the bell and the children gather their bags and lineup for dismissal. Walking into the schoolyard, Sarah sees her aunt and comes running over and jumps into her arms, nearly taking both of them down in the process.

"How was your day, kiddo?"

"It was awesome! Ms. Press is so cool!"

Tobin smiles at the mere mention of her name and Sarah grabs her hand pulling her in the direction of the aforementioned. "We have to go and say goodbye to her Auntie Toby. Come on."

Christen smiles as she sees them coming towards her, "Hey Tobin."

"Hey, how was your day?"

"Good. I think the class had fun learning about science today."

"We watched Bill Nye videos, it was awesome. Can I go and play with Nyla while you talk?"

Tobin nods, "Stay where I can see you, okay?"

Sarah nods before dropping her backpack and taking off to join her classmate.

"So, I was thinking of perhaps starting the soccer unit at the beginning of the week; would that work for you, Tobin?"

Tobin nods, "I've drawn up some drills and skills we can get them to do."


Christen hearing her name being called turns, "I need to go and speak with Matty's Dad about something before he leaves. I'll see you on Monday, say around 1:00? You know where the intercom is to get buzzed inside is right?"

Tobin nods, "Yeah, when Perry and I were decorating the front area, she showed it me."

"That's right, I almost forgot you were responsible for the all the fun decorations that the kids and staff have been enjoying since we got back. Maybe, we'll have to add an art unit to your request list as well. Shoot, I should really go now, Bye, Tobin."

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