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Christen sits in her apartment surrounded by boxes, tape and more packing supplies. Looking around she can't believe the amount of stuff she's accumulated since moving into her own space and now it's time once again to go through it all and figure out what she wants to keep and ship ahead to Oregon and also what she's planning on donating and or giving away. 

Hearing knocking on the door, she opens it and finds Perry standing there with a pizza and a bottle of wine. 

"What are you doing here?" 

"Sarah is at Nyla's for another sleepover and I kind of figured when I ran into you earlier at the store grabbing supplies that you'd become so immersed in packing you'd forget about eating." 

Christen smiles and nods before backing up to allow Perry to enter her apartment, "Come in, make yourself at home; I'm going to grab some glasses and plates. Good thing I haven't started packing the kitchen yet." 

Perry smiles and makes her way towards the couch, moving a couple of boxes out of the way so that they have a table to use. 

Christen returns with the dishes and bottle opener and the two soon finish both the wine and pie. 

"Only a couple weeks left in the school year and then you're out of here; I'm going to miss you, same with Sarah." 

"I'm going to miss you guys too, it's been so nice having someone that I already consider a sister to spend time with rather than only co-workers. Some of those teachers really should consider retiring or finding another form of employment because they're clearly no longer interested in teaching the children only complaining about budgets cuts, lack of resources and the size of their deposit." 

"Trust me, being on the parent council I've heard my fair share of it. Unfortunately, it's one of those things that's a reality for everyone in the education system and most other professions as well." Perry stands up, "So, what can I help with?"

"Do you think that Tobin will mind if I bring two bookcases worth of books to her place? Most are series or by the same authors and I'm sure I'll end up reading them again." 

"Tobin loves to read, I don't think she'll have a problem with them as long as she still has room for her video games." 

Christen smiles and nods. 

A little bit later, the two decide to call it for the night and Perry heads on her way home, leaving Christen to get ready for bed. 

New Message

Chris ❤️: What are you up to?

Tobs ⚽: Getting settled in at the hotel. I miss you. 

Chris ❤️: Soon my love. 

Tobs ⚽: Not soon enough 😘

Chris ❤️: Lol. Perry just left here a short time ago; she was helping me pack. 

Tobs ⚽: Sarah and her really don't want you to leave.

Chris ❤️: Believe me, I know! Your niece made me a card and it said, "Please don't go. I'm going to miss you."

Tobs  ⚽: Sounds about right. I take it that my sister hasn't told her that you're coming to live with me, huh?

Chris ❤️: Not yet. Once I made it known that I wasn't going to be returning next year the rumblings started. I think some of the staff members have put two and two together about us though. Perry and I were talking about that tonight and we agreed to have the conversation with her together once the school year is over. 

Tobs ⚽: Probably best for everyone to wait.

Chris ❤️: Babe, I'm yawning and fighting to keep my eyes open. Can I call you tomorrow?

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