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After having dedicated a good portion of the next week to drawing, painting and decorating the entrance area of the school, Tobin is just as excited as Sarah for the students to see her work. 


Sarah smiles and nods, before hugging her Mom, "Bye, Mom."

"Have a good first day back." 

Tobin smiles, "Let's go, kiddo! The owls await!"

The two walk along, skipping and jumping down the sidewalk as they head to the local Elementary school.

"Are you excited for your first day of school?" The young girl smiles at her Aunt, "Auntie Toby, it's not my first day of school; it's my first day of being in Grade Two!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are you excited for your first day of Grade Two?"

"Of course! I get to see all my friends and play with them again. Some of them went away on trips, so usually the first day back we get to talk and hear about what everyone did over the summer and do drawing and colouring and sometimes we even get extra recess!" 

"Extra recess! I'm in for that! I don't think you're going to get that today though because you have an assembly." 

"Yeah, Mommy said that my class is getting a new teacher this year and her name is Ms. Press. Mommy met her at the meeting and said that she was very nice and pretty." 

"Ms Press, huh?"


"I'll have to keep an eye out for her when we get there and introduce myself." 

They arrive at the schoolyard and Tobin and her niece hug before the young girl takes off, dropping her backpack and running over to join her friends on the playground. Tobin watches on and smiles.

"Excuse me, would you by any chance happen to be Tobin?"

Tobin turns around to face the voice and respond, momentarily losing her breath at the sight of the beautiful woman in front of her before finding her voice and responding, "Umm, yeah, I'm Tobin, and you are?"

The woman extends her hand, "I'm Christen Press, I'll be your niece Sarah's teacher this year. I was speaking with Perry at the meeting and mentioned that you'd be dropping off and picking up Sarah while you were home."

Tobin reaches out to shake her hand, not really wanting to let go of it, "Nice to meet you and yes, that's the plan." 

Christen smiles and lets out a nervous laugh, "Your sister also mentioned that you're a professional soccer player for the Thorns." 

"I am. I re-aggravated an old ankle injury and rather than remaining in Portland to do rehab, decided to come home instead." 

Christen smiles and nods, "That's too bad about the injury. I was wondering if you might be agreeable to joining our class and helping me out with one of our upcoming physical education units. I'd like for the children to learn some basic skills like dribbling, passing and shooting. I'm sure that the children would love to have a professional teach them." 

Tobin looks at Ms Press and only takes in half of what she says as she is currently lost in her eyes and blinding smile.

"Would that be okay with you?"

Tobin isn't sure of what is being asked, but she knows she would do anything for the gorgeous woman in front of her, "Yes."

"Great. I have your number on Sarah's contact sheet and I'm sure we'll be seeing each other at drop off and pick up time. We can discuss the lesson plan. I should go, the bell will be ringing soon. It's been nice meeting you Tobin and I look forward to working with you." 

Tobin smiles, "It's been nice meeting you too Ms Press." 

"Please call me, Christen." 

"Okay. I look forward to seeing you ... I mean working, with you." 

"Bye, Tobin." 

Tobin turns and starts to walk back towards her sister's house, looking back she notices that Christen is watching her every move. Tobin blushes and smiles all the way and enters the house with a grin plastered accross her face. 

"Drop off go okay?" 

"Yeah, no problem." 

Perry looks up from her coffee cup, "What's with the megawatt, Tobs?"

"Perry, I think I may have just met an angel."

Perry laughs at her sister, "Ah yes, I figured you would get on with Christen. She's single, you know."

"She's got the looks of a model and probably has guys throwing themselves at her feet. She's never be interested in someone like me, Per. Not to mention, she's way too hot to be gay." 

Perry bursts out laughing, "Is that even a thing? Being too hot to be gay? And I assure you that when we started talking and getting to know each other, she was extremely interested in meeting you and it wasn't to do with her needing help with the soccer unit. She's more than capable of teaching it herself, she played for Stanford." 

"Stanford? As in Stanford University?"

"Yes, she's originally from California." 

"How did she end up here of all places?" 

"She fell in love and followed her here. The relationship ended and she decided it was a good time to change locations and schools." 

"Hmm, you're sure about Stanford? And her playing there?" 


"You know, I had this feeling when we met that she looked familiar; I wonder if we ever played against each other? I need to make a call. Don't worry, I've already set an alarm on my phone to ensure that I'm not late for dismissal." 

Tobin heads into her room, shuts the door and plops down on the bed before opening her contact list and making a call to her good buddy from the United States Women's National Team and former Stanford Cardinal, Kelley O'Hara. 

Ring ... ring 

"Yo! What's up Tobinho? How's the rehab going? We still on to hit the waves sometime soon?"  

"For sure, once I get the all clear. Listen, I've got a question for you." 

"Fire away!" 

"Do you know a Christen Press? She apparently went to Stanford and played on the team." 

"Pressy? Dude, we were roomies at Stanford and I'm pretty sure I introduced the two of you at some point. Why?"  

"I'm spending time with Perry and Sarah while I'm finishing up my rehab and it turns out that Ms. Press, I mean Christen is Sarah's teacher this year." 

"No way! That's awesome! Pressy's a sweetheart; could've gone pro if she didn't blow her knee out junior year." 

"Really? She was that good?" 

"Yeah, her ability to cutback and switch was incredible. I swear that girl had eyes in the back of her head. Speaking of her eyes, I feel as though there's another reason for this call, rather than just to catch up; you've fallen under the spell of her bewitching eyes haven't you?" 

"Yes. I need to know if I stand a chance with her." 

Tobin hears Kelley let out a chuckle, "Tobs, Pressy is on our team. So get out there and shoot your shot! I'll talk to you later, I'm on my way to training and can't be late, again." 

"Thanks, KO; we'll catch up soon." 

"I'm now invested; message me with updates or I'm going to call my old friend up and get the deets from her." 

"Please don't, you'll embarass me!" 

She hears Kelley laughing as the line goes dead. 

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