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Christen can't help but smile as she looks at the sparkler on her ring finger and thinks about the woman who'll be waiting for her at the end of her drive across the country. She packs up her bag and gives the hotel room the once over to ensure she hasn't missed or forgotten anything before collecting her stuff and heading out into the early morning light. After checking out, she finds a quaint little spot to grab some coffee and breakfast before tanking up her car and setting off. 

Singing along with the tunes, and stopping along the way to check out sights that she's marked on her itinerary, she's content in her own little world. 

Ring, ring

Looking at the caller ID on her dash, she hits the answer button. 

"Hey, it's early for you to be up isn't it?" 

She smiles as Tobin lets out a yawn before responding with an, "Uh huh. I just wanted to tell you good morning and to say drive safe."

"That's all?" 

She knows that Tobin is grinning widely as she says, "No. I love you and I'm counting down until you get here." 

"I love you and I promise that I'll be there in time to watch you play against Kelley on Saturday." 

"I already made sure to leave a ticket and pass with your name on it at the office, in case I don't see you before kick off." 

"I'm driving as fast as I can, but there's so many things to see along the way and I keep getting distracted. By the way, I haven't told anyone that we're engaged yet outside of my immediate family, have you?" 

"No, but I think a few of my teammates are wondering where I took off too when usually I'd just be spending my time off sleeping and chilling." 

"They'll find out soon enough." 

Tobin lets out another yawn and Christen chuckles, "Sounds like you need to go back to sleep for a bit longer." 

"I might just make some breakfast and watch a show, it'll soon be time for me to get ready for training." 

"How about you call me when you're done training and I'll let you know where I'm at." 

"Cool. Later Chris, love you." 

"Love you, Toby." She hears Tobin chuckle at the nickname before the line goes dead. 

As she stops to grab a bite to eat and stretch her legs awhile later, Christen reaches in her purse and pulls out the Cartier band she'd planned on using to propose to Tobin with only to be beaten to it by her now fiance. 

New Message

Pressy: Things are still on track for me to suprise Tobin, right?

KO: She doesn't suspect a thing. I know you guys are already technically engayged, but I think it's adorable that you want to hit the knee as well.

Pressy: Any chance of you hitting the knee anytime soon?

KO: Hell no! I'm in my prime and not ready to settle down yet. 

Pressy: I'm sure you're parents are happy to hear that. 

KO: They've got Jerry's kids to spoil and I'm sure it won't be long before Erin is popping out a few of her own, I'm in no rush to join that club. 

Pressy: I get it. One of the benefits of having siblings, they take the pressure off you to add to your family tree. I should get back behind the wheel, see you soon.

KO: Can't wait. Don't worry about anything, Kling is in on it and she'll keep Tobs distracted long enough for you to slip into her place, make supper and do what you need too. 

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