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"Tobin? Tobs? You coming?"

Tobin looks up, "Sorry, I was just checking out the new schedule. I was really hoping that we'd be playing at Gotham early this season."

"Let me guess; so, you could visit the mystery woman who you've been messaging and chatting with non-stop."

Tobin smiles and nods, "She's not entirely a mystery though; I mean, she did play for the Cardinal, so some of the girls know her."

"Come on, you don't want to be late for training, especially since you've finally been cleared for full participation."

Tobin nods, "One sec, just need to put my phone away and I'll be right behind you, Kling."

Tobin slides her phone inside her jacket pocket and then walks out of the changeroom, falling in behind her Thorn's teammates as they hit the field for their preseason training session.

Ring ... ring ... ring

"Hey, you've reached Christen, sorry I wasn't able to get your call. Please leave me a message and I'll do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you."

Kelley O'Hara smiles and laughs at the message, waiting for the beep before talking, "S'up Pressy? Listen, I'm going to be in town April 17th with the Spirit and I was wondering if I should put your name on the list for a ticket. I thought we could maybe grab a bite and catch up. Anyway, let me know. Later, CP."

As the final dismissal bell sounds, Christen speaks with her students and some of the parents about the day's learnings. Slowly the play area clears and she makes her way back inside to finish looking over and marking some spelling tests. Sitting down she notices there's a new message on her phone and she plays it, smiling as she hears her old roomie's voice fill the room.

Ring ... ring ... ring

"Pressy! How are the girls?"

Christen chuckles, "Still perky."

Kelley laughs, "I'm sure that's exactly how Tobinho likes 'em."

"Tobin has no complaints, other than the fact the distance between us has become a thing."

"I hear ya. So, you up for coming to watch me dominate Gotham?"

"For sure, put me down. It'll be nice to see some of the OG's."

Kelley chuckles, "So, what are you up to these days?"

"Currently, I'm grading spelling tests."

"Sounds riveting. You ever miss playing?"

"I did initially, but, now more than ever I know I'm where I'm meant to be. There is no feeling in the world that compares to seeing a child's face light up when they finally understand something they've been struggling with."

"How are things with Tobin?"

"She's been busy with furnishing and decorating her condo as well as doing tons of extra training to get back into match shape. She wants to put herself back in contention to be called up for the next batch of friendlies."

"I've missed my little buddy."

Christen chuckles. "Listen Kel, I really need to finish marking the last batch of tests; keep in touch, yeah?"

"For sure, now, that two of my besties are hooking up, it makes for better conversation, if you know what I mean."

Christen rolls her eyes, "I really hope you aren't asking Tobs about our sex life."

"I would never! ... okay, maybe I did, but she declined to answer and I respect that."

"Uh huh. Talk soon, KO."

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