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Tobin feels a body clinging to her and tears fill her eyes.

"I'll be back soon, Sarah."

"I don't want you to go."

"I know, but I'm only going to be gone a few days. I need to go back to Portland and check in with the team's trainers."

"You're going to be back before Christmas though, right?"

Tobin makes the cross sign on her chest, "Cross my heart."


Tobin gives her niece another long hug and then turns her attention to her sister.

"Sarah, how about you finish watching your show and let Aunty Tobin and I talk for a minute."

Once the youngest member of the family has left the area, Tobin is able to speak more freely.

"Thanks for keeping my secret."

Perry smiles and laughs, "Sarah doesn't need to know that you're taking Christen away for a couple of days over the break."

Tobin smiles at the mere mention of Christen's name. "I'm planning on telling her that I love her."

"You haven't yet?"

Tobin shakes her head, "Not exactly. I've hinted at it, but never said the words."

"Awww! So cute. I'm going to need some details of this trip away, when you get back."

"Maybe, depends on whether or not we keep it rated PG."

"Okay, you know I love you and I'll support you no matter what, but the less I know about your sex life the better."

Hearing a horn honking outside, Tobin looks out the window and sees Christen's car. "Time for me to go. Love you, Sis. Bye, Sarah!"

"Bye, Aunty Toby."

Tobin carries her bag out to the car and places it in the backseat, climbing in the front and leaning over to kiss her girlfriend.

"Mmm, save some of that for the B and B."

Tobin laughs, "I've got plenty in the tank, beautiful."

"Good, because I can't wait to spend the next few days completely alone with you and no worries of anyone seeing or judging us or our love."

"Lead the way, Baby."

Christen drives for several hours following the GPS' directions before pulling in front of a house.

"It's cute."

"The keys are supposed to be under a frog on the step."

Tobin laughs, "The sooner we find the frog, the sooner we can be Queens."

Christen bursts out laughing, "That was horrible, Tobs."

Tobin shrugs, "Made you laugh, so it couldn't have been that bad."

Christen and Tobin spend the next few days getting to know each other on another level.

Laying naked in bed together after making love, Tobin's heart is a flutter with nerves. She turns over and looks deep into Christen's eyes, smiling as she says the words, "I love you."

"I love you, too."

They share a kiss.

"I have something I wanted to discuss with you and I think perhaps now is the right time."

"What's that?"

"I've been thinking a lot about my family and how difficult it's been living on the other side of the country from them. I moved here for love and if, you're in agreement, once the school year is over, I'd like to move to Portland to be with you. I can look in to the requirements necessary for me to be able to teach there, so you don't have to worry about supporting me and ..."

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