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Monday comes around and Tobin can't wait to see Christen again or help her with the soccer unit. She leaves home with plenty of time and slowly walks to the school, standing outside and gathering herself before finally stepping up and pushing the intercom button. Once she is buzzed in, she gets a pass and is shown to Ms. Press's classroom.

Tobin stands in the doorway and watches the woman, clearly in her element as she discusses a creative writing and drawing assignment pertaining to monsters.

"Alright class, if I can have everyone's attention. I'd like for you all to meet Tobin, she's Sarah's Aunt and a professional soccer player. She's going to help out with our soccer unit and maybe if you're good we can convince her to do some art with us as well. You guys know the big owl in the front entrance? She drew and painted that along with all of his little friends."

Tobin can't help but smile and make love eyes at the teacher as she has already become her number one hype woman.

Over the next few weeks, Tobin finds herself spending more and more time helping out at the school just so she can be near Christen. Christen for her part does her best to remain distanced from Tobin while they are at school, but as soon as the dismissal bell sounds all bets are off.

Tobin's phone buzzes and she looks at the screen, expecting to find a message from one of her teammates checking in on how her rehab and recovery are progressing, instead she finds that Christen has sent her an address and a time to be there at.

Not thinking it proper to display their growing relationship in front of Sarah, the two have instead been meeting at the coffee shop, restaurants, parks and generally any place where they can be together with little chance of being recognized by students, parents or staff. Tobin looks at the message and over at Christen, who is sitting behind her desk watching her and smiling at her reaction.



"I need you're help. I can't decide what to wear."

Perry enters the bedroom soon afterwards and checks the options on the bed. "We really need to take you shopping for some new clothes."

"Agreed, but that doesn't help me now. What should I wear?"

"Where are you going tonight?"

"She invited me over to her house, Perry."

"Are you ready for that?"

"She's never given me any indication that she wants to do anything beyond sharing a few kisses and she knows that I'm not going to rush into anything unless, I'm sure."

"You known each other now for over a month and been dating for about half as long, what are you feeling towards her?"

Tobin smiles, "Like she's worth staying here after my rehab is done for."

Perry laughs, "Yeah, that's pretty obvious. Be honest with yourself and be honest with her, that's all I have to say on the matter. Also, the shirt you're wearing is fine."

"Thanks, Per."

Standing out front, Tobin double checks the apartment number that Christen sent her before climbing the steps and knocking.

Christen opens the door and Tobin can hear what sounds like a game playing in the background. "I thought you might like to watch the US play with me. Kelley's in the starting lineup. It's just about time for kick off."

Tobin looks at her, "You invited me over to watch the game?"

Christen takes her hand and pulls her inside, shutting the door behind her. "I may have also wanted some privacy to do this." Tobin makes back in to the door as Christen's lips meet hers in a kiss so fiery, it leaves both panting and wanting more.

"You taste good."

Christen chuckles, "I may have also gone ahead and made us supper. I hope you like it spicy."


"Did you say something?"

"Only that you had a nice place."

"You've barely made it past the door; would you like for me to show you the bedroom?"

Tobin takes a breath, "Christen, we can't. I can't; it's too soon."

"Oh my God! You thought I meant for us to be together. That's not what I meant at all. I'm proud of the way I decorated and accessorized the bedroom and I just wanted to show you it and get your opinion on some artwork for the wall. I'm so sorry! Tobin, you have to know that I really like you, but I'm not ready to take the next step; yet, anyway." Christen winks as she says the last bit.

Tobin breaks out laughing, "I'm so glad you said that. I'm not ready for the next step, yet, either."

"Now that we've cleared that up, would you like something to drink?"

"That'd be great."

With the soccer match long since over and news playing in the background, Tobin sits on the couch with Christen's head laying in her lap.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How blessed I feel to have met you and have you in my life."

Christen smiles, "I feel the same way."

"I had only planned to stay here until Christmas time and finish the final phases of my recovery back in Portland, now, I'm torn, because I don't want to even think about leaving you behind."

"I don't want to lose you, Tobin."

"Then what are we to do?"

"We'll figure it out." 

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