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Christen walks through the hotel doors and no sooner does she hit the lobby then a body hits hers, "PRESSY!" She bursts out laughing, "Same old, KO." Kelley laughs and hugs her old roommate and friend. 

"Long time, stranger." 

Christen smiles and nods, "I know. Life just got in the way." 

"I here ya; so, are we grabbing a bite here or heading out somewhere?" 

"Actually, I made supper; so, I'm taking you back to my place." 

Kelley smiles, "Do you say that to all your old friends? Because if so, I'm going to have to tell Tobin on you." 

Christen laughs, "Tobin already knows about our evening plans, in fact, she helped me decide what to make for supper." 

"I don't remember you doing much cooking while we were roomies." 

Christen chuckles, "I've always loved to cook, it was kinda hard back in our dorm days to make anything edible with just a microwave and a kettle."

"I seem to recall you always made a mean cup of ramen." 

"You were always so impatient and didn't give the water enough time to actually cook the noodles." 

Kelley shrugs, "I'm still impatient and hungry; so, what's for dinner?" 

"Garlic pasta. I made some with chorizo and without, I wasn't sure of your preference." 

"Sounds delish." 

Christen smiles, "It's one of my Mom's old recipes." 

Kelley wraps her arm around Christen, "I'm sure your Mom is looking down on you with a big ole smile and her heart full of love."

Christen smiles, "I know she is and I have a strong feeling that she somehow pulled the strings and orchestrated Tobin and I meeting. I prayed to meet someone I could envision spending my life with and low and behold in walked Tobs. You know I still remember playing against her and being envious of how much fun she seemed to be having out there."

"That was probably right before she nutmegged you, right?" 

"No. Maybe? Possibly." Christen smiles and lets out a chuckle. "Anyway, let's get out of here." Christen leads Kelley out of the hotel and over to her car before driving them out of the area and parking out front of her apartment. 

Kelley climbs out of the car and looks around, "Not exactly how I pictured you living CP." 

"I've learned that there are many more things in life then money and I'm happy to live on my salary." 

"With a little help from Daddy, right?" 

Christen shrugs, "Some things you can't give up. My wardrobe being one." 

"Uh huh. Does Tobinho know that she's marrying into moolah?" 

Christen shakes her head, "It's not my money; it's my Dad's, and we haven't had the marriage conversation, yet." 

"Yet." Kelley winks at her friend. "Speaking of Cody; how is he doing?" 

 "He's doing well, excited at the prospect of me moving back to the west coast." 

"Something I should know?" 

Christen smiles and nods, "Once my school year is over, I'm packing up and moving to Portland to be with Tobin." 

"Christen and Tobin, sitting in a tree, k i s s i n g!" 

Christen bursts out laughing, "You're still a fool." 

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