Kankri - Tickles

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You really wanted to tickle him. You couldn't explain it, but that's what you wanted. To hear his laugh, you knew would be bliss, as you were flushed for this particular nubby-horned, trigger-happy troll.

You had been friends with him for many sweeps, so you saw no fault in just going over to his hive.

He, however, did.

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'Ding-dong!' The tell-tale sound of a guest rang through a certain Vantas's hive. You never understood why he had the human devise, when most trolls just knocked, but that's how he was. The boy's gray complexion was soon replacing the wooden door you had been staring at.

"[y/n]. Hell9. May I ask as t9 what I 9we the pleasure 9f y9ur company?" His face wore its regular blank stare. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes or smirk, due to Kankri's finding those 'triggering'.

"Can I not simply drop in on a friend to say hello?" Your expression asked if anything else was to be expected.

His eyes bore right through you. "Well, s9me people are like that, 6ut I know y9u, [y/n]. And y9u kn9w that I find lying t9 6e very triggering. What is it that y9u request 9f me?" You let out a nervous chuckle at that.

"Heh, heh. Um, I was wondering if I could tickle you? I know that you like to be asked before 'engaging in physical contact of any sort', so I'm asking-may I?" Kankri's facial features screwed up as he evaluated what you were asking as well as what he would respond with. Hw thought for a moment, and when he gave his answer, you thought you had misheard him.

"Alright. 6ut n9t in the d99rway. Seeing a display such as that may be triggering f9r one." He moved from the door, expecting you to follow him into the familiar hive. You gaped for a moment before entering.

Kankri led you to his sitting room ((which had bookshelves floor to ceiling on all but one wall)) and promptly sank onto a deep red sofa with upmost grace. The mutant blood took a deep breath, many thoughts obviously racing through his mind.

"9kay, y9u have five minutes t9...tickle...me t9 y9ur desire. I...I am at y9ur mercy." He closed his eyes and slightly lifted his arms. You took this moment to stand there and blink intelligently, not believing your luck.

Just barely audible, "I can't promise I'll stop if you ask..." a warning escaped your lips.

Experimentally, you poked at where you thought his stomach center was, causing his mouth to twitch. You saw this and smirked, grateful for his lids obscuring his vision. After a few more inquiring jabs at the insufferable's gut, you swiftly attacked the troll's abdomen with dancing fingers.

He was soon gasping for breath due to trying not to laugh, apologizing for his laugh, and actually laughing. The fluctuations of the troll's vocal chords were as pleasurable as you had imagined, and more.

The five minutes wore on, and you kept to your word, not stopping when he exclaimed into empty space. When you did stop, it was because you grew tired, your fingers cramping. A smile crept across your face as you watched him catch his breath.

A moment later, when he had, "Triggers include, 6ut are n9t limited t9: #revenge, #attacks, #n9_c9nsent, #tickle, #physical_c9ntact." You hadn't fully processed the trigger-happy troll's words before he was mimicking your actions, his hands on your waist.

This continued, until Kankri accidentally brushed your grub scars. Your eyes closed, the giggles cut off by a sharp gasp. All of your nerves were standing on end. Your flush-crush drew back at once, profoundly stuttering that he did not mean to be forward in any way.

"Kankri, May I ask you *why* you let me tickle you?" Both of you were still on the scarlet couch, but on opposite sides.

"Well [y/n], #confession, I...I have 6een flushed f9r y9u since, I d9n't reme6er when. I felt that...I d9n't know what I thought-" You cut him off.

"#me_too." You pressed your lips to his gray ones, effectively silencing his incomprehensible rambling. Your arms crept around the nubby-horned troll's neck, his hands on your hips. Pulling away, your eyes locked onto Kankri's.

"That was excruciatingly triggering, y9u kn9w."

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