Eridan - Beach

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You can't believe you let your friend drag you to the beach. Somehow she convinced you to wear a violet bikini, showing off your body. Of course, your were wearing a t-shirt over it.

"[y/n]! What are you wearing?!" She turned to face you. "You aren't gonna get a guy to purr twice at you!" She pouted when you simple crossed your arms. "But I need a new pawfect OTP!" Her last one broke up. As in, one of them moved half-way across the world.

You rolled your eyes, not really wanting to be Nep's new item of interest, but nonetheless removed the shirt. The cat-obesessed girl jumped, squealing, and suddenly had a sly smile splayed across her gray features.

"Let's play a clawsome game!" Raising an eyebrow, you inquired as to what it was, urging her to continuer. "You try to have a guy on your arm b the end of the day, and I won't annoy you. If you win, I'll stop shipping you with everyone. If I win..." She paused, thinking.

"Then I'll go on whatever dates you want me to." You suggested. You weren't going to lose. If you wanted to, you could have any guy out there - most people just sucked. Nepeta nodded vigorously.

"Purrfect! Now, let's gooo!!" grabbing her bag from the car. She locked it and grabbed your hand. She dragged you along with her often enough times that you were very used to it. Your mutual friend, Equius, was as well, but mostly because the two of them were practically an item. They denied at all costs of this being true. You had seen him humor her on numerous occasions though.

**Timeskip brought to you by hipster glasses***

/\/\/\ Eridan's POV /\/\/\

That woman. She was walking with such precision, grace, beauty. As she past by me, she glanced to the side, into my eyes.

In her eyes, I saw the look of a queen - of someone who knew she was pretty - who was better than me. That one look sent shivers spiraling down my spine, despite the heat of the sun on my ash-colored skin.

When she stopped to talk to another man, I felt a pang of rage and jealousy. She was to be mine, and mine alone.

<3 Regular POV <3

You had split ways with Nepeta, her watching your every move, making sure you didn't cheat the bet. "Don't furget! You have until paw down!" Her ridiculous feline puns were starting to get to you.

You walked down the beach, eyes sliding to your right as ou see a particularly handsome troll. He looked both awestruck and angry at the same time. You moved your orbs fact to your path and continued your usual sashay/slaunter until you saw one of your school friends.

Despite the warm temperature, he was wearing his signature blue hoodie with the wind pattern on the front, over his trunks ((also blue)).

"Hey John!" He hadn't seen you in a swim suit before, even though he had been friends with you for many years. Knowing this, you stood with a smirk on your face, putting your weight on one leg, the other stark out and your hand on your hip.

If it phased him, he was a professional at hiding it. "Hey! How're you doing "[y/n]? It's been a while since we last saw each other, hasn't it?" You nodded and continued to chat, oblivious to the sea dweller watching you out of the corner of his eye.

When you said goodbye, John leaned forward to hug you. As soon as he let go, the waiting troll was at his limit. He marched forward to meet you. He caught up to you quickly, but a familiar troll was already there.

"Hey, doll~" His smile was sleazy and it made you uncomfortable, the way he looked at you.

"Let me stop you there...I don't date old men." He, for some reason, looked like he was in the wrong era, as he was dressed like a greaser.

You walked away, him in a stunned silence and the other Ampora rushing to capture your attention. Stopping, you reached over, grabbed his shoulder, and forced his lips to yours. He was honestly shocked on why you did this. You pulled back slightly and whispered into his webbed ear

"Sorry, I saw my ex - he's a fucking bipolar asshole." You pulled away more with a sheepish smile on your face and in your eyes. On the edge of your field of vision, you saw the said troll holding hands with another girl, her horns like a ram's. The poor guy you stole a kiss from followed your line of sight and growled. You'll admit, it was *sexy*.

"You dated that fuckin insect?" his pointed teeth were bared. "Wwhy on Alternia would you date somefin as unwworthy as that?" Well, the two of you saw Sollux the same way.

"Nepeta, my 'Best Friend Furever' as she says" He knew Nep, you'd later find out. "By the way, I'm [y/n]. You are...?" You cocked an eyebrow, playing your charm.

"Eridan Ampora. I find it odd that a land dwweller like yourself wwalks like she owwns the wworld. Wwhy?" You look at him.

"WWell," you rolled you eyes when you mimicked his cute accent. "Mr. Ampora, it's because I strive to." Knowing he was in your net, you moved to get something to drink. He blocked your way.

A scowl was present on his face. "Strivve to what?" You leaned forward, teasing him so.

"To own *your* world, Mr. Ampora." You brushed past him only to have him grab ahold of your wrist. He pulled you to his smokey chest and pressed hip lips to yours once again. Before anything resembling Black-Rom, you pulled away.

"Meet me at [your address] at nine. *Sharp*" You accented, implying something would happen if he arrived at any other second.

"Let's just say Nepeta didn't try to match you with anyone for a while.

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