Eridan - Cliche

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 You loved watching the sunset.  Instead of hanging out at the sea dwellers's hive, he came to yours.  The two of you were currently on the roof speculating all aspects of life as a human.  Eridan was confused as to why Cronus wanted to be one so badly.

 "i mean, you wwouldn't havve horns, and you'd havve either a nook or a bulge.  Humans havve either or - not both.  it's fuckin wweird."  You enjoyed debating with him.

 "Yeah, maybe so, but you could be out in the sun whenever you wanted, it wouldn't just be during a sunset."  ED was thinking of his next point.

 "wwell, they may be able to be in the sun because of thier eyes and skin, but their eyes stay one color most of their miserable life as scum, and our skin is thicker, tougher, therefore wwe aren't hurt evvery time wwe fell and scraped a knee or elboww."  

 You were about to say something about all humans having the same blood - mutant colored - but remembered that Mr. Science was a violet blood and would not take kindly to that.  Instead, "Okay.  I'll give you this round-" he exclaimed and pumped his fist, effectively cutting you off.  " *If* you give me a movie moment."  A smug look wore your face.  You didn't think that he'd manage to-

 Eridan had moved closer to you, brushed his ringed hand down your cheek, and kissed you.  Fireworks went off in your thinkpan, surprising you.  A moment later, he pulled away.  "Movvie enough for you?"  You breathed a yes and nodded, not breaking eye contact.

 That is, until Eri pulled away cheering.  "Haha!  Take that!  You lose!  I wwin!  Loser!"  

 He can be such a mood wwrecker

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