Kurloz *and* Gamzee - Yes!

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How? You didn't know. Both Makaras had a thing for you, and they both loved you differently. Gamzee was goofy, and took everything slow. Kurloz, on the other hand, genuinely worried for you while being a rough lover.

You had a feeling they knew about each other, and if it was wrong, dreaded what would happen when they did find out.

Today was busy. You were supposed to have lunch in the park with Gamzee, then dinner with is elder.

Even thought you were a cerulean blood, you wore purple shorts, black converse, and a shirt depicting your symbol, like most other trolls.

'Ding-Dong-HONK!" Your doorbell rang throughout your empty hive - your lusus abandoned you. Gamzee's voice called through the door. 'OpEn Up MoThErFuCkEr. I hAvE a SuRpRiSe FoR yOu." You practically ran to answer. He smiled and gave you a sloppy kiss after you closed the door.

When you pulled away, "So where's my surprise?" You were eager to say the least. He gave you a piece of paper. 'Will you b' it read. You were confused.

Before you could ask, Gamzee placed a long finger on your mouth. 'YoU'lL fInD oUt WhEn YoU'rE oLdEr. HoW cOmE oN sIs, LeT's Go GeT lUnCh." And you were on your way.

- - - - - - -

For dinner, you wore a black and purple dress that fell to your knees. It had a retro look to it with thin straps and a bow on it's chest. Beneath it, you wore a pair of tights with a leg bone design like your date's. The black converse were replaced with ones that matched your dress minus the ink color.

'Ding-Dong-HONK!' The doorbell rang throughout your empty hive. You walked to the door, grabbing your purse on the way. And older Makara stood ther. He signed to you. 'You look mutherfucking hot, chickie.' You smiled, and your colored blush rose to show through your gray skin. Although you knew he could hear, you singed back. 'Thank you. You're not too bad yourself. So, are you ready?' He held out his arm in response, gesturing for you to grab it.

At the restaurant, the food you had was delicious. When you were done, Kurloz took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to you. You were confused for a moment again. That is, until a certain faygo obsessed juggalo came up behind his dancestor. You started to cry, stood up, and hugged each of the highbloods in front of you. You gave them both a kiss. "Of course, it would be my honor.

The not held three words;

'e our matesprit?'

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