Kurloz - Feels

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Let's face it - you hung out with Rufioh probably a tad too much for your matesprit's liking.  You were just drawn to him and his lost otakus like a dog to squirrels.

Of course, you were not yet of the otaku level, you were just a mere weeaboo.  Kurloz, your matesprit, never understood your infatuation for manga and anime since he was a highblood.  As you know, it's the burgundy blood's language plastered on every Naruto cover, spoken by every One Piece character in subbed, and even used by the dubbed Bleach characters as descriptions and locations.

Anyway, you had gone to the library with Kurloz to meet, who else, Rufioh.  The said library recently received a new assortment of Fullmetal Alchemist, and the two of you were going to binge read it.

Saying that, Kurloz was a bit unhappy.  He thought that you had a moirail, so he was confused as to why you hung out with the animal whisperer so much.

"Hey! [y/n]!"  Rufioh was outside of the library.  You ran forward to hug him.

"How have you been?  It's been awhile."  It had been two days.

- - - - - - -

A few hours later, Rufioh and you were halfway through the series.  You set down the volume you were on, stretched, and noticed Kurloz was splayed on the table adjacent to yours.  You wandered over and saw that he was asleep.

When he awoke, Rufioh and you were gone from his sight.  Had his mouth not been sewn shut, he would have cried out.  He saw a note placed in front of him.  It told him that you were crying in the girl's bathroom.

Kurloz was instantly jealous.  *He* should have been comforting you, not that stupid mudblood.  He stood tall and worked over to the bathrooms, leaving your stuff - there was nothing of value.

Despite being a boy, he walked straight into the female powder room and heard your sobs.  He knocked on the door to your stall.  You looked up and saw this horns, then looked down at his shoes.  You instantly let him into the space meant for handicaps.

He signed to you.  'Are you alright?  What happened?'  An angry look crossed his face.  'Was is that motherfucking Rufioh?'  You smiled, shaking your head.

"No babe, it was feels.  Remember the marathon?  I finished."  The highblood relaxed and pulled you close.  He was used to your feels attacks.

"Hey, Kur?"  He nodded in acknowledgement.  "Did you know that you're sexy when you're jealous?"  You could see the purple blush through his face paint.  He started to sign profusely.

'I'm not jealous!  I swear I have no clue what you're talking about?'  You simply giggled, kissed his nose, and moved to go put back the manga stolen from the shelves.

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