Equius - Missing You

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Your matesprit was gone at the moment, probably at his workshop, messing with his robots.  Of course he was gone, because he had a competition coming up.

    It was around midnight and you were laying in your bed.  You're human, but Equius insisted on using troll terms when talking about you.

    You were trying to fall asleep, but the house was freezing.  You had three blankets on, socks, pants, one of his hoodies, and you had already turned off all of the fans that he usually kept on.  Somehow, you were still cold.  Maybe it was the natural temperature, or maybe you simply missed the presence of your Zahhak.

    Contemplating, you got up and grabbed your cell phone from it's charger and then dived back into your mess of quilts and afghans.

    You opened your pesterchum app and started to bug your love tentatively.

"Eq"  Patiently, you waited for his laptop to alert him - it only notified him when it was you who wanted his attention since he said that you were the most important thing to him.

"Yes?  What do you need?"  You could almost hear his concern.  "Did I do something?  Are you on your time?  Was I too STRONG last night?"  An alert popped up telling you that he was typing once more.

"No, honey, I'm fine.  I'm just cold."  He paused for a moment.

"Oh.  I will be right there.  Is there anything you would like me to grab for you on the way?"

"Not really.  I just miss you.  It's been awhile since I've had to sleep without you.  Am I interrupting anything?"

"No, I am almost finished with my project; I can finish it in a day or two.  My competition, though STRONG, will never beat me.  Never when I have someone as beautiful as you cheering me on."  By the time you received the last message, Equius was walking through the door.

"What is it my darling?"  You had been smiling.

"Oh, nothing.  I'm just very red for you."  He got into the bed next to you (you had refused to sleep suspended in green goop) after he turned the fans on again.  You curled into him before they even had a chance to start up.

He smiled, showing off all of his missing, chipped, and broken teeth.  "I love you too."  This was something the both of you did often.  You would use each other's customary languages.  Sometimes, you'd use Alternian words and when you did, Equius would respond with an Earthan word.  Being in love, and being flushed were often interchangeable to you.

"Hey Eq?  I think I love you more."  He looked down at your figure, trusting him so fully, trusting him with your heart and your soul and your body, despite his strength, and he remembered why he fell for you.

"I highly doubt that you are more flushed for me than I am for you."

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