Vriska - Nightmares

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       "Can we get this?"  You pointed to a candy bar you'd been craving.

       "No."  Your matesprit declined your request.  You and her were shopping together for the week, getting meals and toiletries and such.  You nodded and continued to push the cart while piled stuff in.  You wondered if she'd remembered.

- - - - - - -

      Stretching, you got up to make a dinner.  You started to prepare Vriska's favorite when she walked into the kitchen with her coat.  

      "I'm going out.  I'll 8e 8ack l8ter.  Go to 8ed without me if I'm not 8ack 8y ten."  With that, she went out the back door.

      You sigh and sit down at the table.  She was always doing this.  As her matesprit though, not her moirail, there was not much you could do.

      Suddenly you jump up to the stove, almost burning what you had made.

- - - - - - -

       "[y/n]," A familiar cerulean blood called your name.  "I don't like you anymore.  Never have.  Now, out of my way."  She pushed past you.

       "What?  Vriska, what do you mean?"  You were thoroughly confused.

       "I *mean*, you'd 8etter 8e out of my hive 8y noon.  It's not some de88.  I want you and your flushed feelings for some fake me, out to live a lonely f8.  8uh-8ye"  She waved and forced her way past you.

       You couldn't move.  You thought that she was as scarlet for you as you were for her.  Then, tears began to stream down our face as you processed her words.

      Sobs were heard, echoing in the space you resided in.  You didn't realize that the cries were yours.  Soon, your face went numb, but at the time all you felt was a crushing blackness that blocked all other senses.

      You fell to your knees and curled into a ball.  Everything in your life that was good just left and everything thing you lived for was gone. 

      You felt nothing.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      You awoke, gasping and covered in a cold sweat.  You sat up and put your head in your hands, your elbows on your knees.

      A moment later, you looked next to you, seeing that Vriska had slept beside you.

      So it had been a dream.  No, it had been a nightmare.  Your breathing steadied and you got up to get a drink from the kitchen.

      You expected all lights to be off, but when you left your room, you saw a brightness emitting from the dining room.  Squinting from the unexpected contrast from the dark, you saw something on the table.

      It was the candy bar you wanted, along with a note, which only had one line written in Vriska's messy scrawl.

      'Happy Anniversary - <3'

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